Scrutinising the Nordic Dimension in Education

Scrutinising the Nordic Dimension in Education

Myths, Realities, and Integration Efforts in Europe's Nordic Region

Krejsler, John Benedicto

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Foreword: "'We Are All Equal': Education and the Nordic struggles for equality and democracy"

Foreword: "Interrogating the Nordic Dimension in Education as a Metaspace"


Chapter 1: "Metaspace - a conceptual tool to capture the Nordic"

PART 1: Reflections upon the Nordic as a dimension

Chapter 2: "The Nordic Dimension as a Metaspace for Educational Research"

Chapter 3: "The Nordic interactive and comparative spaces within the arena of education"

Chapter 4: "Between 'Down-South' and Norden: the case for Scottish Education"

Chapter 5: "Educational Action Research for Being - Nordic vs Anglo-Saxon approaches"

PART 2: Comparative cases in Nordic education policies and practice

Chapter 6: "Policy Borrowing and Path Dependency in the Evolution of Extended Comprehensive Schooling in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark"

Chapter 7: "Governance and Goals in Early Childhood Education and Care: Does a Nordic welfare dimension prevail?"

Chapter 8: "The paradox of documentation in early childhood special education in Finland and Norway: Debating national documentation policies within a Nordic framework"

Chapter 9: "Commercialising the 'Nordic Model': Education export rhetoric in Finland and Sweden"

Chapter 10: "Newly arrived students in Nordic education policies and practices"

Chapter 11: "Second language and mother tongue education for immigrant children in Nordic educational policies: Search for a common Nordic dimension"

Chapter 12: "Rural education and professional learning in relation to the Nordic model - progress and pitfalls?"


Chapter 13: "The Nordic Dimension: A resource for education between lived realities and myth"
Nordic dimension;Nordic model;Nordic region;educational policy and practice;European national education policy;Nordic pedagogy;regional integration in education;comparative education;immigrant children;early childhood special education;Nordic welfare dimension;Education Export;universal compulsory schooling;Anglo-Saxon