Educational Trends Exposed

Educational Trends Exposed

How to be a Critical Consumer

Armstrong, David; Armstrong, Gill

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Educational Trends and the Jupiter Metaphor. 1. Performance enhancing trends: Brain Gym (R) Direct Instruction and synthetic phonics. 2. Technical trends: Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports, Neuromyths and Response to Intervention. 3. The crumbling orthodoxy: Behaviour Management and Teacher Quality. 4. Cures, therapy and hope: Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, School-based Mental Health and Inclusion. 5. Trends of the near future: Evidence Based Practice, HITS and Neurodiversity. Summary. Conclusion: Moving Beyond Trends. Final Recommendations. Glossary. References
NSW Education;Armstrong;High Stakes Educational Tests;fads in education;Education System;educational fads;DDA;education;SP;fad;Performative School;trend;Educational Neuroscience;improvement;ADHD;change;Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;policy;DFE;problem;Meta-analysis Map;solution;Growth Mindset;performance;Educational Trends;enhancement;UN;innovation;Educational Inclusion;outcome;Evidence Informed Practices;inclusion;TEMAG;inclusive;Balanced Literacy;substance;SP Program;evidence;Classroom Ready Teachers;Neurodiversity Movement;DI Program;University Performance Measures;Effect Size Impacts;NSW Government