Governance of the Petroleum Sector in an Emerging Developing Economy

Governance of the Petroleum Sector in an Emerging Developing Economy

Appiah-Adu, Kwaku

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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1: Introduction; 1: Turning Oil and Gas Wealth into Sustainable and Equitable Development; 2: Managing the Extractive Resource; 3: Revenue Management in the Oil and Gas Sector; 4: Ghana's Petroleum Revenue Management Law: A Social Contract for Good Economic Governance and Possible Challenges; 5: Risks in Gas-Power Project Financing; II: Entrenching Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement; 6: Towards Good Governance in Ghana's Petroleum Sector; 7: Civil Society and the Evolution of Accountability in the Petroleum Sector; 8: Can Ghana Avoid the Resource Curse?; III: Entrenching Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement; 9: Ghana's Present Legal Framework for Upstream Petroleum Production; 10: Petroleum Economics ?EUR" Ghana's Petroleum Tax Regime and its Strategic Implications; 11: Maximizing National Development From the Oil and Gas Sector Through Local Value-Add: Extracting From an Extractive Industry; 12: Natural Gas as a Source for Downstream Industrial Development; IV: Safeguarding Security and the Environment; 13: Oil and Gas Issues: The Environment, Health and Safety, and Community Engagement; 14: Oil and Gas Security Issues; V: Country-specific Models and Lessons for Ghana and Other African Oil-producing Nations; 15: The Trinidad and Tobago Model; 16: The Main Attributes of the Norwegian Approach; 17: The Norwegian Experience; 18: Conclusion
revenue;resource;management;oil;companies;fiscal;regime;agreements;operations;public;Te Ch;Petroleum Revenue Management Law;HSE;Petroleum Revenue Management;Lo Ca;Economic Rent;Civil Society;Ghana's Petroleum;Revenue Watch Institute;Petroleum Revenues;EITI;International Banks;Petroleum Operations;Revenue Management;Norwegian Model;Ghana's Natural Resources;Non-associated Gas;Ivory Coast;Contract Transparency;Petroleum Sector;Petroleum Agreements;Norwegian Continental Shelf;Norwegian Approach;Fiscal Design;EITI Report