Debates in Second Language Education

Debates in Second Language Education

Macaro, Ernesto; Woore, Robert

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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INTRODUCTION: Ernesto Macaro and Robert Woore

PART 1: Framing the Debates

Chapter 1: Identifying key debates in second language teaching and learning. Robert Woore and Ernesto Macaro

Chapter 2: Learning English and learning languages other than English in Asia and Europe: Current scenarios and debates. Bruna Di Sabato and Andy Kirkpatrick

Chapter 3: Is there a best age for second language learning? Evidence from across the lifespan. Simone Pfenninger and David Singleton

Chapter 4: Multilingual Learners, linguistic pluralism and implications for education and research. Hamish Chalmers and Victoria Murphy

Chapter 5: Learning Language by Studying Content. David Lasagabaster

Chapter 6: Aptitude or motivation: Which is the better predictor of successful language learning? Suzanne Graham

Chapter 7: Key Issues in Pre-Service Language Teacher Education. Laura Molway

Chapter 8: Systemic In-Service Language Teacher Education. Simon Borg

PART 2: Applying the debates to second language learning contexts

Chapter 9: Implicit versus explicit grammar learning and teaching. Miroslaw Pawlak

Chapter 10: Vocabulary Learning in Theory and Practice: Implicit and explicit mechanisms. Ron Martinez

Chapter 11: The L2-Only Versus the Multilingual Debate. Ernesto Macaro

Chapter 12: Teaching Phonics in a Second Language. Robert Woore.

Chapter 13: What Kind of Pronunciation Learning Should Teachers Expect of Their Learners? Sara Kennedy and Pavel Trofimovich

Chapter 14: Teaching the Language or Teaching the Process. Peter Yongqi Gu

Reflections: Ernesto Macaro and Robert Woore

L2 Learning;Professional Development;English As A Lingua Franca;CLIL Student;L2 Pronunciation;CLIL Group;SLTE Programme;L2 Vocabulary Learning;SLA Research;L2 Phonic;L2 Pronunciation Learning;Pre-service Language Teacher Education;EMI Course;EMI Programme;CLIL Programme;Vocabulary Learning;non-CLIL Groups;Vice Versa;EAL Learner;Esp;Nativelike Pronunciation;Language Aptitude;CBI;Exam Difficulty;Phonics Instruction