Unstoppable Sales Machine

Unstoppable Sales Machine

How to Connect, Convert, and Close New Customers

Casemore, Shawn

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1: New Age Selling: What it Takes to Sell in Today's Evolving Marketplace 1: What is an Unstoppable Sales Machine (and why do I need one)? 2: Course Correction: How to Get the Attention of Today's Buyers. 3: Be There First with the Most: Staying ahead of your competition. 4: What Will Happen if You Don't Build Your Sales Machine? Part 2: Ingredients for building your Unstoppable Sales Machine: Where to begin. 5: Building Your Machine and the Best Place to Start. 6: Ideal Buyer's: Why You Need Them and How to Attract Them. 7: Countdown to Conversion: Engaging with Your Ideal Buyers 8: Countdown to Launch: Fine Tuning Your Machine Before Liftoff 9: Board the Crew: Gaining Buy-in to Enable Your Sales Machine. Part 3: Prepare the Rockets: Launching your machine. 10: Launch Your Machine (prepare for the worst, expect the best). 11: Advanced Strategies to Accelerate Your Sales 12: Dial in Your Sales: Scale Up or Slow Down Your Sales with your Machine. 13: Set Your Sights on Market Domination
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Sales and marketing;Buyer behavior;Branding;Hybrid selling;Brand loyalty;eCommerce;Ideal Buyers;Follow;Wo;Hold;Sales Team;Inbound;Sales Machine;Ceo;Today's Buyers;Sales Professionals;Buyer's Journey;Odd;Closing Ratio;Strong;Buyer's Attention;Ideal Customer;VIP;Buying Process;Pattern Interrupts;Regular Business Hours;Buying Experience;Communication Protocol;Timelines;Smartphones;Explainer Videos