Fragility of Merit

Fragility of Merit

Presidential Power and the Civil Service Under Trump

Kellough, J. Edward

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1. The Evolution of the U.S. Public Service and the Concept of Merit 2. Personnel is Power: Controlling Government by Controlling the Civil Service 3. Disabling the Merit Systems Protection Board 4. Trump's Executive Orders on Federal Labor Relations 5. The Effort to Dismantle OPM 6. The Creation of Schedule F 7. Changing Course at the FLRA 8. The Risk to Expertise
Public Administration;Public Personnel Management;Public Service;Civil Service;Ethics;Bureaucracy;Donald J. Trump;Executive Politics;Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB);Pendleton Act;U.S. Politics.;Unitary Executive Theory;Governance