Recent Research in Management, Accounting and Economics (RRMAE)
Recent Research in Management, Accounting and Economics (RRMAE)
Hafinaz; Kumar, R. Senthil; R., Hariharan
Taylor & Francis Ltd
15 a 20 dias
Descrição não disponível.
1. A study on impact of material delivery for metal products with reference to Chitra metals
2. A study on employee work life management in knitwear with reference to Coimbatore
3. A study on financial performance analysis in iron and steel industries in Tamil Nadu
4. Green logistics challenges and benefits: examining practices in Chennai-based companies
for enhanced environmental management
5. Women's preference, satisfaction, and problems with the free bus travel scheme in Coimbatore
6. A study on employee performance on Unique Shell Mould India Private Limited, Coimbatore
7. Production and marketing practices of flame lily in Dindigul district (Oddanchatram-Tk)
8. Obstacles faced by fishermen in Karaikal
9. A study on non-performing assets of Indian scheduled commercial banks
10. A case study on investors awareness and preference toward mutual fund at ARA security
Pvt. Ltd
11. A study on non-monetary benefits influencing employee productivity
12. Financial performance analysis of listed companies in food industry
13. Occupational satisfaction of auto drivers in Coimbatore district
14. A study on quality of work life of firecracker workers in Sivakasi
15. Customer perception toward Chinese products in Coimbatore district
16. A study on students skill sets requirement for employability
17. A study on job satisfaction among tea plantation workers in Valparai Taluk, Coimbatore
18. Consumer preference toward health insurance in Coimbatore district
19. Relationship among motivational factors and job satisfaction in ceramics industry
20. A study on employee job satisfaction among roasted gram mills in Tamil Nadu
21. An empirical study on working capital management with special reference to steel industry
in India
22. User preferences toward online shopping in Coimbatore district
23. Relationship among safety, health and job satisfaction in textile mills
24. Impact of sales promotion techniques on consumer purchase intentions in FMCG products
in Coimbatore
25. Employee attrition toward textile industries in Karur district
26. A study on consumer brand awareness toward branded Dhall products with reference to Salem
27. Employee perception toward green logistics and sustainability
28. A study on impact of IT on supply chain management
29. Employees organization commitment as a strategic role in logistic management
30. A study on working capital management in the selected textile companies
31. A study on impact of GST on FMCG goods
32. A study on cargo handling procedure in logistics organization
33. A study on efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management system
34. Explanatory study on impact of emotional intelligence and quality of work life among the
employees of automobile industry
35. An explanatory study on inventory management system adopted in manufacturing industry
36. Impact of training and development on employee retention with special reference to textile
37. A study on emotional intelligence at work place with reference to engineering industry
38. A study on employee job satisfaction and retention in manufacturing sector
39. An analysis on employee-attrition in footwear industry
40. An empirical study on third-party logistics performance in selected organisation
41. Employee engagement and its impact on organizational success
42. The study of efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management in the automobile
manufacturing industry
43. Employees satisfaction on monetary benefits in IT sector
44. A study on effectiveness of the interviewing process in software industries in Coimbatore
45. A study on cash management analysis of selected cement industries
46. A study on employee selection process in atlas export private limited, Karur
47. A study on process management in supply chain industry
48. Employee perception toward training and development with private banks
49. Factors influence employee retention in the textile industry
50. Financial performance of Subam Papers Private Limited in Tirunelveli
51. Profitability analysis of the selected India cement industry
52. A study on cash management in ZF electronics TVS (India) Pvt limited, Madurai
53. Impact of organizational culture on the effectiveness of organisation with reference to agro
54. Role of material handling systems in shipping companies
55. Job satisfaction and job involvement: conceptual framework
56. A study on employee health, safety and welfare measures
57. Factors affecting employee absenteeism in manufacturing industries
58. Employee perception toward welfare measures in spinning mills with reference to
Namakkal district
59. Employees' job satisfaction in textile industries in Coimbatore district
60. Employee perception towards quality of work life in the paper industry in Coimbatore
61. A study on work environment and work culture among the employees in select paint
62. Impact of welfare measures on job satisfaction of employees concerning the engineering
63. Problems faced by employees in material handling in automobile industries
64. A study on employees' work-life balance in engineering industries with special reference to
65. A study on the perception of consumers with supply chain processing at Titanium pigments
66. A comparative analysis on consumer awareness and willingness to use solar energy in the
Ranipet district
67. A comparative analysis of employee job satisfaction and their effects on job performance in
MNC company
68. A comparative analysis of employee training methods and their effects on job performance
69. A comparative analysis of the recruitment and selection process and its impact on employee
satisfaction in the IT sector
70. A comparative study on customer preference toward various factors of decision making
with reference to two wheelers
71. A comparative study on customer satisfaction on the basis of income and age group with
reference to departmental stores in Chennai
72. Accurate prediction of news classification using multinomial naive bayes algorithm
compared with novel support vector machine
73. Analysis of consumer perception and awareness on branded and non-branded jewellery market
74. Assessing customer perception towards service quality of online banking services among
various demographic groups
75. Assessing satisfaction of programming content among Tamil news channel viewers
76. Comparative study on removal of total dissolved solids in aquaculture wastewater by
electro Fenton process with minimal national standards
77. Comparison of customer relationship management strategies and it's impact on customer
satisfaction in banking sector
78. Estimation of uberdata analysis using decision tree compared with linear regression
79. Evaluating the customer perception of service quality in online banking across different
demographic segments
80. Evaluating the effect of advertising medium on consumer behavior: a comparative study
of TV, online, and outdoor Ads among the different age groups
81. Examining the effect of brand image on consumer preference for mobile wallet: a
comparison with traditional payment methods among people in Chennai district
82. Examining the effect of customer service on consumer preference for online vs offline
electronic goods shopping
83. Exploring online buying behavior of consumers post pandemic - a comparative analysis
among demographic groups
84. Green marketing: a study on buyer insolences towards eco-friendly products
85. Impact of social media platforms on buying behavior of consumers of various occupational
86. Improving the accuracy in prediction of patient admission in emergency ward using naive
bayes compared with logistic regression
87. Prediction of tesla stock value by using linear regression compared with LASSO regression
88. The impact of demographic factors on consumer preference for organized retail stores
89. The relationship between marital status and occupational stress management in the
workplace: a special reference to private educational institutions
90. Enhancing the precision of predicting patient admission in the emergency ward through
naive bayes compared to logistic regression
91. The double-edged sword of AI-integrated education: an investigation into personalized and
inclusive learning in higher education
92. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with K-nearest neighbor
93. Analysis and predicting student performance in online learning through particle swarm
optimization in comparison with recurrent neural network
94. Efficient prediction of stress analysis and care for online workers using multilayer
perceptron over random forest with improved accuracy
95. Maximizing the accuracy of fraudulent behavioral activities in online payment using
ResNet-50 over GoogleNet classifier for improved accuracy
96. Classification of target customers for online advertising using Wide Resnet CNN and
comparing its accuracy over ELM-CNN algorithm
97. Identification of customer group for online targeted advertising using novel learning
representation of fully connected CNN in terms of accuracy compared over ELM-CNN
98. Lack of accuracy in envisioning the spread of COVID-19 over online social networks
based on geographical location identification using novel naive bayes algorithm
comparing support vector machine algorithm
99. Stress of employees toward private sector banks with reference to Palakkad district
100. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with decision tree
101. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with random forest
102. Enhancing covidpatient emotion predictiononline: novel logistic regression vs. naive bayes
103. Earn while you learn - a study among arts and science college students in Coimbatore
104. A study on preference and problems of online lottery
105. A study talent management among college teaching staff in Coimbatore district
106. Problems faced by fisherman in Nagapattinam
107. A study on problems faced by small-scale industries in Coimbatore district
108. Consumer satisfaction toward chain of restaurant with special reference to Coimbatore city
109. A study on materials management system
110. A study on employee Absenteeism with reference to textile industries
111. A study on employee perception toward performance appraisal
112. Problems on material handling in select paper companies
113. Employee opinion on organizational climate in textile industry
114. Coimbatore textile workers' perspectives on stress management for enhanced well-being
in manufacturing environments
115. A study on job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour in select IT company
116. A study on work-life balance among police personnel in Coimbatore city
117. Job satisfaction of Neyveli Lignite corporation limited workers
118. A study on ill effects on playing online video games in Karaikal
119. Employee retention with reference to IT sector in Coimbatore
120. Financial inclusion of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme in Dharapuram
121. Problems faced by coconut cultivators in Coimbatore
122. Problems on material handling, storage, and packaging in selected logistic companies in
123. Profitability analysis: a study of selected pharma companies in India
124. The effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction of lecturers in Malaysia
125. Socially responsible public procurement: the implementation in Malaysia's public
126. User satisfaction toward e-bikes
127. Public perception toward smart city project in Coimbatore city
128. The impact of employee engagement on business performance
129. Unveiling the factors influencing employee attrition
130. A study on import procedure toward Sailink logistics Pvt Ltd, Chennai
131. A stress management study among employees directed at Pepy technologies at Coimbatore
132. A financial performance study of selected listed companies with particular relation to
India's Cement industries
133. A study of employees' mental health by the motivation in car dealership industry
134. An impact of employee motivation on organizational performance: a special reference
with car dealership industries
135. Benchmarking digital privacy: Malaysian e-commerce transparency and control
136. Exploring strategies to expand the Xiaohongshu app's presence in Singapore and Malaysia:
an examination of the expansion of Chinese social media abroad
137. Digital pathways to Riyadh: investigating social media's role in tourist engagement within
the Saudi capital
138. Harmonizing leadership and agility: a new paradigm for digital talent management
139. People, processes, and technology in cybersecurity: Malaysian insights
140. Analysis of financial health of a government company in Kerala
141. How humanised are our workplaces: a dipstick study of Indian industry
142. Impact of COVID-19 on shifting consumer behavior patterns
143. Consumer preferences on electric vehicles and its prospective in Indian scenario
144. Factors influencing job satisfaction of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
145. Adoption of AI marketing by small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: examining the
success factors
146. Adoption of building information modeling for management of construction project success 147. Success factors for e-paper display adoption by Malaysian industries
148. The impact of digital transformation on quality management in the banking sector of
149. The influence of destination marketing factors on destination image and intention to revisit
150. A robust stock market price prediction model utilizing the random forest algorithm
151. A mathematical prediction model for equity markets centered on key players in the Indian
stock market
152. A system for predicting stock market price fluctuations
153. A fusion approach for forecasting stock market trends through probabilistic modeling
154. Utilizing a hybrid CNN-ELM model for business analytics in stock price prediction
155. Analysis of performance management in Malaysian health and beauty private sector:
qualitative case study
156. Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employability skills among
graduating students
157. Strategic approaches to bias and variance in algorithmic profiling
158. Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a path to frontier from now 159. Build brand strength: use digital marketing to boost recognition and value
160. Enrichment of employability skills with reference to business management colleges in
Rayalaseema region
161. Consumer behavior towards online shopping of apparels with reference to Bhiwani district,
162. Adapting to the digital era: e-recruitment's implications for job seekers in Dot Com
InfEoway, Madurai
163. Talent management practices in the selected commercial banks in Kerala
164. Employee engagement's link with psychological well-being in telecommuters
165. Customer satisfaction toward online electronic goods
166. Psychological factors affecting the perception towards occupational hazards and safety
among the fishermen
167. Exploring the influence of psychological factors on online consumer behavior
168. Examining faculty satisfaction in financial investments at engineering colleges in
Coimbatore: a specialized study
169. Investigation of mutual fund investment patterns among arts and science college faculty in
170. Post-COVID challenges and strategies for Kerala's spice companies in agro-based rural
171. Passenger's attitude toward the call taxi service providers in Coimbatore city
172. Reasons for worker migration
173. Factors influencing two-wheeler purchase intention in Chennai, South India: a
comprehensive exploration
174. Influence of sensory elements on perceived quality in Kerala's branded fast food outlets
175. Digital marketing impact on arts and science students in Ernakulam's higher education
176. A study on factors influencing satisfaction of women entrepreneurs at Coimbatore district
177. Factors influencing job satisfaction of female teachers in Coimbatore arts and science
178. A study on awareness on MNGREGA schemes
179. Chapter: Russia-Ukraine conflict and global trade
180. A study on the effect of training on employee retention
181. Problems of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
182. Quality of work life and its impact on employee satisfaction among the female faculty
working in arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district
183. Work life balance and its impact on employees
184. Teaching professional's competency: a comparison between lower and higher-level
academics in China
185. Supply chain management in e-commerce: examining the critical success factors in
186. The adoption of blockchain technology in Bangladesh capital markets
187. The impact of fintech on the performance of financial institutions in Malaysia and Thailand
188. The role of women's financial inclusion in enhancing economic growth and government
initiatives in Asia: a comparative study of five Asian countries
189. Cryptocurrency: bitcoin and the macroeconomics factor in Malaysia - a VECM analysis
190. How do bitcoin prices respond to macroeconomic shocks? evidence from five Asean
191. Behavioural factors influencing investing decisions in the Indonesian stock market
192. The factors contributing to cryptocurrency purchase intention among generation X and
millennials in Malaysia
193. The influencing factors of employee fraud in Malaysia's financial institution: the
application of fraud triangle theory
194. A review on virtual tutoring and student performance analysis using GPT-3
195. A conceptual change in innovation: a bibliometric analysis of innovation change in small
and medium enterprises
2. A study on employee work life management in knitwear with reference to Coimbatore
3. A study on financial performance analysis in iron and steel industries in Tamil Nadu
4. Green logistics challenges and benefits: examining practices in Chennai-based companies
for enhanced environmental management
5. Women's preference, satisfaction, and problems with the free bus travel scheme in Coimbatore
6. A study on employee performance on Unique Shell Mould India Private Limited, Coimbatore
7. Production and marketing practices of flame lily in Dindigul district (Oddanchatram-Tk)
8. Obstacles faced by fishermen in Karaikal
9. A study on non-performing assets of Indian scheduled commercial banks
10. A case study on investors awareness and preference toward mutual fund at ARA security
Pvt. Ltd
11. A study on non-monetary benefits influencing employee productivity
12. Financial performance analysis of listed companies in food industry
13. Occupational satisfaction of auto drivers in Coimbatore district
14. A study on quality of work life of firecracker workers in Sivakasi
15. Customer perception toward Chinese products in Coimbatore district
16. A study on students skill sets requirement for employability
17. A study on job satisfaction among tea plantation workers in Valparai Taluk, Coimbatore
18. Consumer preference toward health insurance in Coimbatore district
19. Relationship among motivational factors and job satisfaction in ceramics industry
20. A study on employee job satisfaction among roasted gram mills in Tamil Nadu
21. An empirical study on working capital management with special reference to steel industry
in India
22. User preferences toward online shopping in Coimbatore district
23. Relationship among safety, health and job satisfaction in textile mills
24. Impact of sales promotion techniques on consumer purchase intentions in FMCG products
in Coimbatore
25. Employee attrition toward textile industries in Karur district
26. A study on consumer brand awareness toward branded Dhall products with reference to Salem
27. Employee perception toward green logistics and sustainability
28. A study on impact of IT on supply chain management
29. Employees organization commitment as a strategic role in logistic management
30. A study on working capital management in the selected textile companies
31. A study on impact of GST on FMCG goods
32. A study on cargo handling procedure in logistics organization
33. A study on efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management system
34. Explanatory study on impact of emotional intelligence and quality of work life among the
employees of automobile industry
35. An explanatory study on inventory management system adopted in manufacturing industry
36. Impact of training and development on employee retention with special reference to textile
37. A study on emotional intelligence at work place with reference to engineering industry
38. A study on employee job satisfaction and retention in manufacturing sector
39. An analysis on employee-attrition in footwear industry
40. An empirical study on third-party logistics performance in selected organisation
41. Employee engagement and its impact on organizational success
42. The study of efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management in the automobile
manufacturing industry
43. Employees satisfaction on monetary benefits in IT sector
44. A study on effectiveness of the interviewing process in software industries in Coimbatore
45. A study on cash management analysis of selected cement industries
46. A study on employee selection process in atlas export private limited, Karur
47. A study on process management in supply chain industry
48. Employee perception toward training and development with private banks
49. Factors influence employee retention in the textile industry
50. Financial performance of Subam Papers Private Limited in Tirunelveli
51. Profitability analysis of the selected India cement industry
52. A study on cash management in ZF electronics TVS (India) Pvt limited, Madurai
53. Impact of organizational culture on the effectiveness of organisation with reference to agro
54. Role of material handling systems in shipping companies
55. Job satisfaction and job involvement: conceptual framework
56. A study on employee health, safety and welfare measures
57. Factors affecting employee absenteeism in manufacturing industries
58. Employee perception toward welfare measures in spinning mills with reference to
Namakkal district
59. Employees' job satisfaction in textile industries in Coimbatore district
60. Employee perception towards quality of work life in the paper industry in Coimbatore
61. A study on work environment and work culture among the employees in select paint
62. Impact of welfare measures on job satisfaction of employees concerning the engineering
63. Problems faced by employees in material handling in automobile industries
64. A study on employees' work-life balance in engineering industries with special reference to
65. A study on the perception of consumers with supply chain processing at Titanium pigments
66. A comparative analysis on consumer awareness and willingness to use solar energy in the
Ranipet district
67. A comparative analysis of employee job satisfaction and their effects on job performance in
MNC company
68. A comparative analysis of employee training methods and their effects on job performance
69. A comparative analysis of the recruitment and selection process and its impact on employee
satisfaction in the IT sector
70. A comparative study on customer preference toward various factors of decision making
with reference to two wheelers
71. A comparative study on customer satisfaction on the basis of income and age group with
reference to departmental stores in Chennai
72. Accurate prediction of news classification using multinomial naive bayes algorithm
compared with novel support vector machine
73. Analysis of consumer perception and awareness on branded and non-branded jewellery market
74. Assessing customer perception towards service quality of online banking services among
various demographic groups
75. Assessing satisfaction of programming content among Tamil news channel viewers
76. Comparative study on removal of total dissolved solids in aquaculture wastewater by
electro Fenton process with minimal national standards
77. Comparison of customer relationship management strategies and it's impact on customer
satisfaction in banking sector
78. Estimation of uberdata analysis using decision tree compared with linear regression
79. Evaluating the customer perception of service quality in online banking across different
demographic segments
80. Evaluating the effect of advertising medium on consumer behavior: a comparative study
of TV, online, and outdoor Ads among the different age groups
81. Examining the effect of brand image on consumer preference for mobile wallet: a
comparison with traditional payment methods among people in Chennai district
82. Examining the effect of customer service on consumer preference for online vs offline
electronic goods shopping
83. Exploring online buying behavior of consumers post pandemic - a comparative analysis
among demographic groups
84. Green marketing: a study on buyer insolences towards eco-friendly products
85. Impact of social media platforms on buying behavior of consumers of various occupational
86. Improving the accuracy in prediction of patient admission in emergency ward using naive
bayes compared with logistic regression
87. Prediction of tesla stock value by using linear regression compared with LASSO regression
88. The impact of demographic factors on consumer preference for organized retail stores
89. The relationship between marital status and occupational stress management in the
workplace: a special reference to private educational institutions
90. Enhancing the precision of predicting patient admission in the emergency ward through
naive bayes compared to logistic regression
91. The double-edged sword of AI-integrated education: an investigation into personalized and
inclusive learning in higher education
92. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with K-nearest neighbor
93. Analysis and predicting student performance in online learning through particle swarm
optimization in comparison with recurrent neural network
94. Efficient prediction of stress analysis and care for online workers using multilayer
perceptron over random forest with improved accuracy
95. Maximizing the accuracy of fraudulent behavioral activities in online payment using
ResNet-50 over GoogleNet classifier for improved accuracy
96. Classification of target customers for online advertising using Wide Resnet CNN and
comparing its accuracy over ELM-CNN algorithm
97. Identification of customer group for online targeted advertising using novel learning
representation of fully connected CNN in terms of accuracy compared over ELM-CNN
98. Lack of accuracy in envisioning the spread of COVID-19 over online social networks
based on geographical location identification using novel naive bayes algorithm
comparing support vector machine algorithm
99. Stress of employees toward private sector banks with reference to Palakkad district
100. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with decision tree
101. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with random forest
102. Enhancing covidpatient emotion predictiononline: novel logistic regression vs. naive bayes
103. Earn while you learn - a study among arts and science college students in Coimbatore
104. A study on preference and problems of online lottery
105. A study talent management among college teaching staff in Coimbatore district
106. Problems faced by fisherman in Nagapattinam
107. A study on problems faced by small-scale industries in Coimbatore district
108. Consumer satisfaction toward chain of restaurant with special reference to Coimbatore city
109. A study on materials management system
110. A study on employee Absenteeism with reference to textile industries
111. A study on employee perception toward performance appraisal
112. Problems on material handling in select paper companies
113. Employee opinion on organizational climate in textile industry
114. Coimbatore textile workers' perspectives on stress management for enhanced well-being
in manufacturing environments
115. A study on job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour in select IT company
116. A study on work-life balance among police personnel in Coimbatore city
117. Job satisfaction of Neyveli Lignite corporation limited workers
118. A study on ill effects on playing online video games in Karaikal
119. Employee retention with reference to IT sector in Coimbatore
120. Financial inclusion of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme in Dharapuram
121. Problems faced by coconut cultivators in Coimbatore
122. Problems on material handling, storage, and packaging in selected logistic companies in
123. Profitability analysis: a study of selected pharma companies in India
124. The effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction of lecturers in Malaysia
125. Socially responsible public procurement: the implementation in Malaysia's public
126. User satisfaction toward e-bikes
127. Public perception toward smart city project in Coimbatore city
128. The impact of employee engagement on business performance
129. Unveiling the factors influencing employee attrition
130. A study on import procedure toward Sailink logistics Pvt Ltd, Chennai
131. A stress management study among employees directed at Pepy technologies at Coimbatore
132. A financial performance study of selected listed companies with particular relation to
India's Cement industries
133. A study of employees' mental health by the motivation in car dealership industry
134. An impact of employee motivation on organizational performance: a special reference
with car dealership industries
135. Benchmarking digital privacy: Malaysian e-commerce transparency and control
136. Exploring strategies to expand the Xiaohongshu app's presence in Singapore and Malaysia:
an examination of the expansion of Chinese social media abroad
137. Digital pathways to Riyadh: investigating social media's role in tourist engagement within
the Saudi capital
138. Harmonizing leadership and agility: a new paradigm for digital talent management
139. People, processes, and technology in cybersecurity: Malaysian insights
140. Analysis of financial health of a government company in Kerala
141. How humanised are our workplaces: a dipstick study of Indian industry
142. Impact of COVID-19 on shifting consumer behavior patterns
143. Consumer preferences on electric vehicles and its prospective in Indian scenario
144. Factors influencing job satisfaction of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
145. Adoption of AI marketing by small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: examining the
success factors
146. Adoption of building information modeling for management of construction project success 147. Success factors for e-paper display adoption by Malaysian industries
148. The impact of digital transformation on quality management in the banking sector of
149. The influence of destination marketing factors on destination image and intention to revisit
150. A robust stock market price prediction model utilizing the random forest algorithm
151. A mathematical prediction model for equity markets centered on key players in the Indian
stock market
152. A system for predicting stock market price fluctuations
153. A fusion approach for forecasting stock market trends through probabilistic modeling
154. Utilizing a hybrid CNN-ELM model for business analytics in stock price prediction
155. Analysis of performance management in Malaysian health and beauty private sector:
qualitative case study
156. Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employability skills among
graduating students
157. Strategic approaches to bias and variance in algorithmic profiling
158. Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a path to frontier from now 159. Build brand strength: use digital marketing to boost recognition and value
160. Enrichment of employability skills with reference to business management colleges in
Rayalaseema region
161. Consumer behavior towards online shopping of apparels with reference to Bhiwani district,
162. Adapting to the digital era: e-recruitment's implications for job seekers in Dot Com
InfEoway, Madurai
163. Talent management practices in the selected commercial banks in Kerala
164. Employee engagement's link with psychological well-being in telecommuters
165. Customer satisfaction toward online electronic goods
166. Psychological factors affecting the perception towards occupational hazards and safety
among the fishermen
167. Exploring the influence of psychological factors on online consumer behavior
168. Examining faculty satisfaction in financial investments at engineering colleges in
Coimbatore: a specialized study
169. Investigation of mutual fund investment patterns among arts and science college faculty in
170. Post-COVID challenges and strategies for Kerala's spice companies in agro-based rural
171. Passenger's attitude toward the call taxi service providers in Coimbatore city
172. Reasons for worker migration
173. Factors influencing two-wheeler purchase intention in Chennai, South India: a
comprehensive exploration
174. Influence of sensory elements on perceived quality in Kerala's branded fast food outlets
175. Digital marketing impact on arts and science students in Ernakulam's higher education
176. A study on factors influencing satisfaction of women entrepreneurs at Coimbatore district
177. Factors influencing job satisfaction of female teachers in Coimbatore arts and science
178. A study on awareness on MNGREGA schemes
179. Chapter: Russia-Ukraine conflict and global trade
180. A study on the effect of training on employee retention
181. Problems of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
182. Quality of work life and its impact on employee satisfaction among the female faculty
working in arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district
183. Work life balance and its impact on employees
184. Teaching professional's competency: a comparison between lower and higher-level
academics in China
185. Supply chain management in e-commerce: examining the critical success factors in
186. The adoption of blockchain technology in Bangladesh capital markets
187. The impact of fintech on the performance of financial institutions in Malaysia and Thailand
188. The role of women's financial inclusion in enhancing economic growth and government
initiatives in Asia: a comparative study of five Asian countries
189. Cryptocurrency: bitcoin and the macroeconomics factor in Malaysia - a VECM analysis
190. How do bitcoin prices respond to macroeconomic shocks? evidence from five Asean
191. Behavioural factors influencing investing decisions in the Indonesian stock market
192. The factors contributing to cryptocurrency purchase intention among generation X and
millennials in Malaysia
193. The influencing factors of employee fraud in Malaysia's financial institution: the
application of fraud triangle theory
194. A review on virtual tutoring and student performance analysis using GPT-3
195. A conceptual change in innovation: a bibliometric analysis of innovation change in small
and medium enterprises
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
1. A study on impact of material delivery for metal products with reference to Chitra metals
2. A study on employee work life management in knitwear with reference to Coimbatore
3. A study on financial performance analysis in iron and steel industries in Tamil Nadu
4. Green logistics challenges and benefits: examining practices in Chennai-based companies
for enhanced environmental management
5. Women's preference, satisfaction, and problems with the free bus travel scheme in Coimbatore
6. A study on employee performance on Unique Shell Mould India Private Limited, Coimbatore
7. Production and marketing practices of flame lily in Dindigul district (Oddanchatram-Tk)
8. Obstacles faced by fishermen in Karaikal
9. A study on non-performing assets of Indian scheduled commercial banks
10. A case study on investors awareness and preference toward mutual fund at ARA security
Pvt. Ltd
11. A study on non-monetary benefits influencing employee productivity
12. Financial performance analysis of listed companies in food industry
13. Occupational satisfaction of auto drivers in Coimbatore district
14. A study on quality of work life of firecracker workers in Sivakasi
15. Customer perception toward Chinese products in Coimbatore district
16. A study on students skill sets requirement for employability
17. A study on job satisfaction among tea plantation workers in Valparai Taluk, Coimbatore
18. Consumer preference toward health insurance in Coimbatore district
19. Relationship among motivational factors and job satisfaction in ceramics industry
20. A study on employee job satisfaction among roasted gram mills in Tamil Nadu
21. An empirical study on working capital management with special reference to steel industry
in India
22. User preferences toward online shopping in Coimbatore district
23. Relationship among safety, health and job satisfaction in textile mills
24. Impact of sales promotion techniques on consumer purchase intentions in FMCG products
in Coimbatore
25. Employee attrition toward textile industries in Karur district
26. A study on consumer brand awareness toward branded Dhall products with reference to Salem
27. Employee perception toward green logistics and sustainability
28. A study on impact of IT on supply chain management
29. Employees organization commitment as a strategic role in logistic management
30. A study on working capital management in the selected textile companies
31. A study on impact of GST on FMCG goods
32. A study on cargo handling procedure in logistics organization
33. A study on efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management system
34. Explanatory study on impact of emotional intelligence and quality of work life among the
employees of automobile industry
35. An explanatory study on inventory management system adopted in manufacturing industry
36. Impact of training and development on employee retention with special reference to textile
37. A study on emotional intelligence at work place with reference to engineering industry
38. A study on employee job satisfaction and retention in manufacturing sector
39. An analysis on employee-attrition in footwear industry
40. An empirical study on third-party logistics performance in selected organisation
41. Employee engagement and its impact on organizational success
42. The study of efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management in the automobile
manufacturing industry
43. Employees satisfaction on monetary benefits in IT sector
44. A study on effectiveness of the interviewing process in software industries in Coimbatore
45. A study on cash management analysis of selected cement industries
46. A study on employee selection process in atlas export private limited, Karur
47. A study on process management in supply chain industry
48. Employee perception toward training and development with private banks
49. Factors influence employee retention in the textile industry
50. Financial performance of Subam Papers Private Limited in Tirunelveli
51. Profitability analysis of the selected India cement industry
52. A study on cash management in ZF electronics TVS (India) Pvt limited, Madurai
53. Impact of organizational culture on the effectiveness of organisation with reference to agro
54. Role of material handling systems in shipping companies
55. Job satisfaction and job involvement: conceptual framework
56. A study on employee health, safety and welfare measures
57. Factors affecting employee absenteeism in manufacturing industries
58. Employee perception toward welfare measures in spinning mills with reference to
Namakkal district
59. Employees' job satisfaction in textile industries in Coimbatore district
60. Employee perception towards quality of work life in the paper industry in Coimbatore
61. A study on work environment and work culture among the employees in select paint
62. Impact of welfare measures on job satisfaction of employees concerning the engineering
63. Problems faced by employees in material handling in automobile industries
64. A study on employees' work-life balance in engineering industries with special reference to
65. A study on the perception of consumers with supply chain processing at Titanium pigments
66. A comparative analysis on consumer awareness and willingness to use solar energy in the
Ranipet district
67. A comparative analysis of employee job satisfaction and their effects on job performance in
MNC company
68. A comparative analysis of employee training methods and their effects on job performance
69. A comparative analysis of the recruitment and selection process and its impact on employee
satisfaction in the IT sector
70. A comparative study on customer preference toward various factors of decision making
with reference to two wheelers
71. A comparative study on customer satisfaction on the basis of income and age group with
reference to departmental stores in Chennai
72. Accurate prediction of news classification using multinomial naive bayes algorithm
compared with novel support vector machine
73. Analysis of consumer perception and awareness on branded and non-branded jewellery market
74. Assessing customer perception towards service quality of online banking services among
various demographic groups
75. Assessing satisfaction of programming content among Tamil news channel viewers
76. Comparative study on removal of total dissolved solids in aquaculture wastewater by
electro Fenton process with minimal national standards
77. Comparison of customer relationship management strategies and it's impact on customer
satisfaction in banking sector
78. Estimation of uberdata analysis using decision tree compared with linear regression
79. Evaluating the customer perception of service quality in online banking across different
demographic segments
80. Evaluating the effect of advertising medium on consumer behavior: a comparative study
of TV, online, and outdoor Ads among the different age groups
81. Examining the effect of brand image on consumer preference for mobile wallet: a
comparison with traditional payment methods among people in Chennai district
82. Examining the effect of customer service on consumer preference for online vs offline
electronic goods shopping
83. Exploring online buying behavior of consumers post pandemic - a comparative analysis
among demographic groups
84. Green marketing: a study on buyer insolences towards eco-friendly products
85. Impact of social media platforms on buying behavior of consumers of various occupational
86. Improving the accuracy in prediction of patient admission in emergency ward using naive
bayes compared with logistic regression
87. Prediction of tesla stock value by using linear regression compared with LASSO regression
88. The impact of demographic factors on consumer preference for organized retail stores
89. The relationship between marital status and occupational stress management in the
workplace: a special reference to private educational institutions
90. Enhancing the precision of predicting patient admission in the emergency ward through
naive bayes compared to logistic regression
91. The double-edged sword of AI-integrated education: an investigation into personalized and
inclusive learning in higher education
92. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with K-nearest neighbor
93. Analysis and predicting student performance in online learning through particle swarm
optimization in comparison with recurrent neural network
94. Efficient prediction of stress analysis and care for online workers using multilayer
perceptron over random forest with improved accuracy
95. Maximizing the accuracy of fraudulent behavioral activities in online payment using
ResNet-50 over GoogleNet classifier for improved accuracy
96. Classification of target customers for online advertising using Wide Resnet CNN and
comparing its accuracy over ELM-CNN algorithm
97. Identification of customer group for online targeted advertising using novel learning
representation of fully connected CNN in terms of accuracy compared over ELM-CNN
98. Lack of accuracy in envisioning the spread of COVID-19 over online social networks
based on geographical location identification using novel naive bayes algorithm
comparing support vector machine algorithm
99. Stress of employees toward private sector banks with reference to Palakkad district
100. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with decision tree
101. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with random forest
102. Enhancing covidpatient emotion predictiononline: novel logistic regression vs. naive bayes
103. Earn while you learn - a study among arts and science college students in Coimbatore
104. A study on preference and problems of online lottery
105. A study talent management among college teaching staff in Coimbatore district
106. Problems faced by fisherman in Nagapattinam
107. A study on problems faced by small-scale industries in Coimbatore district
108. Consumer satisfaction toward chain of restaurant with special reference to Coimbatore city
109. A study on materials management system
110. A study on employee Absenteeism with reference to textile industries
111. A study on employee perception toward performance appraisal
112. Problems on material handling in select paper companies
113. Employee opinion on organizational climate in textile industry
114. Coimbatore textile workers' perspectives on stress management for enhanced well-being
in manufacturing environments
115. A study on job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour in select IT company
116. A study on work-life balance among police personnel in Coimbatore city
117. Job satisfaction of Neyveli Lignite corporation limited workers
118. A study on ill effects on playing online video games in Karaikal
119. Employee retention with reference to IT sector in Coimbatore
120. Financial inclusion of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme in Dharapuram
121. Problems faced by coconut cultivators in Coimbatore
122. Problems on material handling, storage, and packaging in selected logistic companies in
123. Profitability analysis: a study of selected pharma companies in India
124. The effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction of lecturers in Malaysia
125. Socially responsible public procurement: the implementation in Malaysia's public
126. User satisfaction toward e-bikes
127. Public perception toward smart city project in Coimbatore city
128. The impact of employee engagement on business performance
129. Unveiling the factors influencing employee attrition
130. A study on import procedure toward Sailink logistics Pvt Ltd, Chennai
131. A stress management study among employees directed at Pepy technologies at Coimbatore
132. A financial performance study of selected listed companies with particular relation to
India's Cement industries
133. A study of employees' mental health by the motivation in car dealership industry
134. An impact of employee motivation on organizational performance: a special reference
with car dealership industries
135. Benchmarking digital privacy: Malaysian e-commerce transparency and control
136. Exploring strategies to expand the Xiaohongshu app's presence in Singapore and Malaysia:
an examination of the expansion of Chinese social media abroad
137. Digital pathways to Riyadh: investigating social media's role in tourist engagement within
the Saudi capital
138. Harmonizing leadership and agility: a new paradigm for digital talent management
139. People, processes, and technology in cybersecurity: Malaysian insights
140. Analysis of financial health of a government company in Kerala
141. How humanised are our workplaces: a dipstick study of Indian industry
142. Impact of COVID-19 on shifting consumer behavior patterns
143. Consumer preferences on electric vehicles and its prospective in Indian scenario
144. Factors influencing job satisfaction of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
145. Adoption of AI marketing by small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: examining the
success factors
146. Adoption of building information modeling for management of construction project success 147. Success factors for e-paper display adoption by Malaysian industries
148. The impact of digital transformation on quality management in the banking sector of
149. The influence of destination marketing factors on destination image and intention to revisit
150. A robust stock market price prediction model utilizing the random forest algorithm
151. A mathematical prediction model for equity markets centered on key players in the Indian
stock market
152. A system for predicting stock market price fluctuations
153. A fusion approach for forecasting stock market trends through probabilistic modeling
154. Utilizing a hybrid CNN-ELM model for business analytics in stock price prediction
155. Analysis of performance management in Malaysian health and beauty private sector:
qualitative case study
156. Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employability skills among
graduating students
157. Strategic approaches to bias and variance in algorithmic profiling
158. Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a path to frontier from now 159. Build brand strength: use digital marketing to boost recognition and value
160. Enrichment of employability skills with reference to business management colleges in
Rayalaseema region
161. Consumer behavior towards online shopping of apparels with reference to Bhiwani district,
162. Adapting to the digital era: e-recruitment's implications for job seekers in Dot Com
InfEoway, Madurai
163. Talent management practices in the selected commercial banks in Kerala
164. Employee engagement's link with psychological well-being in telecommuters
165. Customer satisfaction toward online electronic goods
166. Psychological factors affecting the perception towards occupational hazards and safety
among the fishermen
167. Exploring the influence of psychological factors on online consumer behavior
168. Examining faculty satisfaction in financial investments at engineering colleges in
Coimbatore: a specialized study
169. Investigation of mutual fund investment patterns among arts and science college faculty in
170. Post-COVID challenges and strategies for Kerala's spice companies in agro-based rural
171. Passenger's attitude toward the call taxi service providers in Coimbatore city
172. Reasons for worker migration
173. Factors influencing two-wheeler purchase intention in Chennai, South India: a
comprehensive exploration
174. Influence of sensory elements on perceived quality in Kerala's branded fast food outlets
175. Digital marketing impact on arts and science students in Ernakulam's higher education
176. A study on factors influencing satisfaction of women entrepreneurs at Coimbatore district
177. Factors influencing job satisfaction of female teachers in Coimbatore arts and science
178. A study on awareness on MNGREGA schemes
179. Chapter: Russia-Ukraine conflict and global trade
180. A study on the effect of training on employee retention
181. Problems of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
182. Quality of work life and its impact on employee satisfaction among the female faculty
working in arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district
183. Work life balance and its impact on employees
184. Teaching professional's competency: a comparison between lower and higher-level
academics in China
185. Supply chain management in e-commerce: examining the critical success factors in
186. The adoption of blockchain technology in Bangladesh capital markets
187. The impact of fintech on the performance of financial institutions in Malaysia and Thailand
188. The role of women's financial inclusion in enhancing economic growth and government
initiatives in Asia: a comparative study of five Asian countries
189. Cryptocurrency: bitcoin and the macroeconomics factor in Malaysia - a VECM analysis
190. How do bitcoin prices respond to macroeconomic shocks? evidence from five Asean
191. Behavioural factors influencing investing decisions in the Indonesian stock market
192. The factors contributing to cryptocurrency purchase intention among generation X and
millennials in Malaysia
193. The influencing factors of employee fraud in Malaysia's financial institution: the
application of fraud triangle theory
194. A review on virtual tutoring and student performance analysis using GPT-3
195. A conceptual change in innovation: a bibliometric analysis of innovation change in small
and medium enterprises
2. A study on employee work life management in knitwear with reference to Coimbatore
3. A study on financial performance analysis in iron and steel industries in Tamil Nadu
4. Green logistics challenges and benefits: examining practices in Chennai-based companies
for enhanced environmental management
5. Women's preference, satisfaction, and problems with the free bus travel scheme in Coimbatore
6. A study on employee performance on Unique Shell Mould India Private Limited, Coimbatore
7. Production and marketing practices of flame lily in Dindigul district (Oddanchatram-Tk)
8. Obstacles faced by fishermen in Karaikal
9. A study on non-performing assets of Indian scheduled commercial banks
10. A case study on investors awareness and preference toward mutual fund at ARA security
Pvt. Ltd
11. A study on non-monetary benefits influencing employee productivity
12. Financial performance analysis of listed companies in food industry
13. Occupational satisfaction of auto drivers in Coimbatore district
14. A study on quality of work life of firecracker workers in Sivakasi
15. Customer perception toward Chinese products in Coimbatore district
16. A study on students skill sets requirement for employability
17. A study on job satisfaction among tea plantation workers in Valparai Taluk, Coimbatore
18. Consumer preference toward health insurance in Coimbatore district
19. Relationship among motivational factors and job satisfaction in ceramics industry
20. A study on employee job satisfaction among roasted gram mills in Tamil Nadu
21. An empirical study on working capital management with special reference to steel industry
in India
22. User preferences toward online shopping in Coimbatore district
23. Relationship among safety, health and job satisfaction in textile mills
24. Impact of sales promotion techniques on consumer purchase intentions in FMCG products
in Coimbatore
25. Employee attrition toward textile industries in Karur district
26. A study on consumer brand awareness toward branded Dhall products with reference to Salem
27. Employee perception toward green logistics and sustainability
28. A study on impact of IT on supply chain management
29. Employees organization commitment as a strategic role in logistic management
30. A study on working capital management in the selected textile companies
31. A study on impact of GST on FMCG goods
32. A study on cargo handling procedure in logistics organization
33. A study on efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management system
34. Explanatory study on impact of emotional intelligence and quality of work life among the
employees of automobile industry
35. An explanatory study on inventory management system adopted in manufacturing industry
36. Impact of training and development on employee retention with special reference to textile
37. A study on emotional intelligence at work place with reference to engineering industry
38. A study on employee job satisfaction and retention in manufacturing sector
39. An analysis on employee-attrition in footwear industry
40. An empirical study on third-party logistics performance in selected organisation
41. Employee engagement and its impact on organizational success
42. The study of efficiency and effectiveness of warehouse management in the automobile
manufacturing industry
43. Employees satisfaction on monetary benefits in IT sector
44. A study on effectiveness of the interviewing process in software industries in Coimbatore
45. A study on cash management analysis of selected cement industries
46. A study on employee selection process in atlas export private limited, Karur
47. A study on process management in supply chain industry
48. Employee perception toward training and development with private banks
49. Factors influence employee retention in the textile industry
50. Financial performance of Subam Papers Private Limited in Tirunelveli
51. Profitability analysis of the selected India cement industry
52. A study on cash management in ZF electronics TVS (India) Pvt limited, Madurai
53. Impact of organizational culture on the effectiveness of organisation with reference to agro
54. Role of material handling systems in shipping companies
55. Job satisfaction and job involvement: conceptual framework
56. A study on employee health, safety and welfare measures
57. Factors affecting employee absenteeism in manufacturing industries
58. Employee perception toward welfare measures in spinning mills with reference to
Namakkal district
59. Employees' job satisfaction in textile industries in Coimbatore district
60. Employee perception towards quality of work life in the paper industry in Coimbatore
61. A study on work environment and work culture among the employees in select paint
62. Impact of welfare measures on job satisfaction of employees concerning the engineering
63. Problems faced by employees in material handling in automobile industries
64. A study on employees' work-life balance in engineering industries with special reference to
65. A study on the perception of consumers with supply chain processing at Titanium pigments
66. A comparative analysis on consumer awareness and willingness to use solar energy in the
Ranipet district
67. A comparative analysis of employee job satisfaction and their effects on job performance in
MNC company
68. A comparative analysis of employee training methods and their effects on job performance
69. A comparative analysis of the recruitment and selection process and its impact on employee
satisfaction in the IT sector
70. A comparative study on customer preference toward various factors of decision making
with reference to two wheelers
71. A comparative study on customer satisfaction on the basis of income and age group with
reference to departmental stores in Chennai
72. Accurate prediction of news classification using multinomial naive bayes algorithm
compared with novel support vector machine
73. Analysis of consumer perception and awareness on branded and non-branded jewellery market
74. Assessing customer perception towards service quality of online banking services among
various demographic groups
75. Assessing satisfaction of programming content among Tamil news channel viewers
76. Comparative study on removal of total dissolved solids in aquaculture wastewater by
electro Fenton process with minimal national standards
77. Comparison of customer relationship management strategies and it's impact on customer
satisfaction in banking sector
78. Estimation of uberdata analysis using decision tree compared with linear regression
79. Evaluating the customer perception of service quality in online banking across different
demographic segments
80. Evaluating the effect of advertising medium on consumer behavior: a comparative study
of TV, online, and outdoor Ads among the different age groups
81. Examining the effect of brand image on consumer preference for mobile wallet: a
comparison with traditional payment methods among people in Chennai district
82. Examining the effect of customer service on consumer preference for online vs offline
electronic goods shopping
83. Exploring online buying behavior of consumers post pandemic - a comparative analysis
among demographic groups
84. Green marketing: a study on buyer insolences towards eco-friendly products
85. Impact of social media platforms on buying behavior of consumers of various occupational
86. Improving the accuracy in prediction of patient admission in emergency ward using naive
bayes compared with logistic regression
87. Prediction of tesla stock value by using linear regression compared with LASSO regression
88. The impact of demographic factors on consumer preference for organized retail stores
89. The relationship between marital status and occupational stress management in the
workplace: a special reference to private educational institutions
90. Enhancing the precision of predicting patient admission in the emergency ward through
naive bayes compared to logistic regression
91. The double-edged sword of AI-integrated education: an investigation into personalized and
inclusive learning in higher education
92. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with K-nearest neighbor
93. Analysis and predicting student performance in online learning through particle swarm
optimization in comparison with recurrent neural network
94. Efficient prediction of stress analysis and care for online workers using multilayer
perceptron over random forest with improved accuracy
95. Maximizing the accuracy of fraudulent behavioral activities in online payment using
ResNet-50 over GoogleNet classifier for improved accuracy
96. Classification of target customers for online advertising using Wide Resnet CNN and
comparing its accuracy over ELM-CNN algorithm
97. Identification of customer group for online targeted advertising using novel learning
representation of fully connected CNN in terms of accuracy compared over ELM-CNN
98. Lack of accuracy in envisioning the spread of COVID-19 over online social networks
based on geographical location identification using novel naive bayes algorithm
comparing support vector machine algorithm
99. Stress of employees toward private sector banks with reference to Palakkad district
100. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with decision tree
101. Predicting purchase intention of online customers using Naive Bayes classifier and
compared with random forest
102. Enhancing covidpatient emotion predictiononline: novel logistic regression vs. naive bayes
103. Earn while you learn - a study among arts and science college students in Coimbatore
104. A study on preference and problems of online lottery
105. A study talent management among college teaching staff in Coimbatore district
106. Problems faced by fisherman in Nagapattinam
107. A study on problems faced by small-scale industries in Coimbatore district
108. Consumer satisfaction toward chain of restaurant with special reference to Coimbatore city
109. A study on materials management system
110. A study on employee Absenteeism with reference to textile industries
111. A study on employee perception toward performance appraisal
112. Problems on material handling in select paper companies
113. Employee opinion on organizational climate in textile industry
114. Coimbatore textile workers' perspectives on stress management for enhanced well-being
in manufacturing environments
115. A study on job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour in select IT company
116. A study on work-life balance among police personnel in Coimbatore city
117. Job satisfaction of Neyveli Lignite corporation limited workers
118. A study on ill effects on playing online video games in Karaikal
119. Employee retention with reference to IT sector in Coimbatore
120. Financial inclusion of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana scheme in Dharapuram
121. Problems faced by coconut cultivators in Coimbatore
122. Problems on material handling, storage, and packaging in selected logistic companies in
123. Profitability analysis: a study of selected pharma companies in India
124. The effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction of lecturers in Malaysia
125. Socially responsible public procurement: the implementation in Malaysia's public
126. User satisfaction toward e-bikes
127. Public perception toward smart city project in Coimbatore city
128. The impact of employee engagement on business performance
129. Unveiling the factors influencing employee attrition
130. A study on import procedure toward Sailink logistics Pvt Ltd, Chennai
131. A stress management study among employees directed at Pepy technologies at Coimbatore
132. A financial performance study of selected listed companies with particular relation to
India's Cement industries
133. A study of employees' mental health by the motivation in car dealership industry
134. An impact of employee motivation on organizational performance: a special reference
with car dealership industries
135. Benchmarking digital privacy: Malaysian e-commerce transparency and control
136. Exploring strategies to expand the Xiaohongshu app's presence in Singapore and Malaysia:
an examination of the expansion of Chinese social media abroad
137. Digital pathways to Riyadh: investigating social media's role in tourist engagement within
the Saudi capital
138. Harmonizing leadership and agility: a new paradigm for digital talent management
139. People, processes, and technology in cybersecurity: Malaysian insights
140. Analysis of financial health of a government company in Kerala
141. How humanised are our workplaces: a dipstick study of Indian industry
142. Impact of COVID-19 on shifting consumer behavior patterns
143. Consumer preferences on electric vehicles and its prospective in Indian scenario
144. Factors influencing job satisfaction of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
145. Adoption of AI marketing by small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: examining the
success factors
146. Adoption of building information modeling for management of construction project success 147. Success factors for e-paper display adoption by Malaysian industries
148. The impact of digital transformation on quality management in the banking sector of
149. The influence of destination marketing factors on destination image and intention to revisit
150. A robust stock market price prediction model utilizing the random forest algorithm
151. A mathematical prediction model for equity markets centered on key players in the Indian
stock market
152. A system for predicting stock market price fluctuations
153. A fusion approach for forecasting stock market trends through probabilistic modeling
154. Utilizing a hybrid CNN-ELM model for business analytics in stock price prediction
155. Analysis of performance management in Malaysian health and beauty private sector:
qualitative case study
156. Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employability skills among
graduating students
157. Strategic approaches to bias and variance in algorithmic profiling
158. Impact of artificial intelligence in human resource management: a path to frontier from now 159. Build brand strength: use digital marketing to boost recognition and value
160. Enrichment of employability skills with reference to business management colleges in
Rayalaseema region
161. Consumer behavior towards online shopping of apparels with reference to Bhiwani district,
162. Adapting to the digital era: e-recruitment's implications for job seekers in Dot Com
InfEoway, Madurai
163. Talent management practices in the selected commercial banks in Kerala
164. Employee engagement's link with psychological well-being in telecommuters
165. Customer satisfaction toward online electronic goods
166. Psychological factors affecting the perception towards occupational hazards and safety
among the fishermen
167. Exploring the influence of psychological factors on online consumer behavior
168. Examining faculty satisfaction in financial investments at engineering colleges in
Coimbatore: a specialized study
169. Investigation of mutual fund investment patterns among arts and science college faculty in
170. Post-COVID challenges and strategies for Kerala's spice companies in agro-based rural
171. Passenger's attitude toward the call taxi service providers in Coimbatore city
172. Reasons for worker migration
173. Factors influencing two-wheeler purchase intention in Chennai, South India: a
comprehensive exploration
174. Influence of sensory elements on perceived quality in Kerala's branded fast food outlets
175. Digital marketing impact on arts and science students in Ernakulam's higher education
176. A study on factors influencing satisfaction of women entrepreneurs at Coimbatore district
177. Factors influencing job satisfaction of female teachers in Coimbatore arts and science
178. A study on awareness on MNGREGA schemes
179. Chapter: Russia-Ukraine conflict and global trade
180. A study on the effect of training on employee retention
181. Problems of migrant workers in Coimbatore district
182. Quality of work life and its impact on employee satisfaction among the female faculty
working in arts and science colleges in Coimbatore district
183. Work life balance and its impact on employees
184. Teaching professional's competency: a comparison between lower and higher-level
academics in China
185. Supply chain management in e-commerce: examining the critical success factors in
186. The adoption of blockchain technology in Bangladesh capital markets
187. The impact of fintech on the performance of financial institutions in Malaysia and Thailand
188. The role of women's financial inclusion in enhancing economic growth and government
initiatives in Asia: a comparative study of five Asian countries
189. Cryptocurrency: bitcoin and the macroeconomics factor in Malaysia - a VECM analysis
190. How do bitcoin prices respond to macroeconomic shocks? evidence from five Asean
191. Behavioural factors influencing investing decisions in the Indonesian stock market
192. The factors contributing to cryptocurrency purchase intention among generation X and
millennials in Malaysia
193. The influencing factors of employee fraud in Malaysia's financial institution: the
application of fraud triangle theory
194. A review on virtual tutoring and student performance analysis using GPT-3
195. A conceptual change in innovation: a bibliometric analysis of innovation change in small
and medium enterprises
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