Unstoppable Franchisee

Unstoppable Franchisee

7 Drivers of Next-Level Growth

Prenevost, Gary

Figure 1 Publishing






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1: The Pull of Entrepreneurship

Interlude #1: Introducing the Growth Helix

Chapter 2: Driver #1: Cultivate a Next-Level Mindset

Interlude #2: The Growth Helix Applied to Growing a Next-Level Mindset

Chapter 3: Driver #2: Grow Your Awareness

Interlude #3: The Growth Helix Applied to Awareness

Chapter 4: Driver #3: Grow Your Operational Management Skills

Interlude #4: The Growth Helix Applied to Operational Management Skills

Chapter 5: Driver #4: Grow Your People

Interlude #5: The Growth Helix Applied to Growing Your People

Chapter 6: Driver #5: Master the System

Interlude #6: The Growth Helix Applied to Mastering the System

Chapter 7: Driver #6: Grow Your Interdependence

Interlude #7: The Growth Helix Applied to Growing Your Interdependence

Chapter 8: Driver #7: Cultivating the Neural Network of Your Business

Interlude #8: The Growth Helix Applied to Cultivating the Neural Network of Your Business

Chapter 9: Becoming Unstoppable


List of Interviewees


About the Author
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
franchisee; entrepreneur; leadership; entrepreneurship; management; franchises; growth