Persistence of Melancholia in Arts and Culture

Persistence of Melancholia in Arts and Culture

Bubenik, Andrea

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: The Persistence of Melancholia

[Andrea Bubenik]

Part I: Resonances of Melencolia I (1514)

1. Temporal Turbulence: In Praise of Anachronism

[Mieke Bal]

2. Between the Angel and the Dog: Duerer's Melancholy Community

[Drew Daniel]

Part II: Objects of Melancholia

3. Musical Responses to Duerer's Melencolia I

[Denis Collins]

4. The Shape of Things to Come: The Melancholy of Duerer's Polyhedron

[Andrea Bubenik]

5. The Eyes, Brain and Heart of the Viewer: Love Melancholy & Renaissance Portraiture

[Laurinda Dixon]

Part III: Landscapes of Melancholia

6. The Melancholic Horizon in Australian Art

[Allison Holland]

7. Sebald's 'Under the Sign of Saturn' and English Hauntology

[Rex Butler]

Part IV: Politics and Morals of Melancholia

8. Melancholia's Mirror: Moral Conscience in Australian Art

[Sally Butler]

9. Against a Melancholic Art History: The Afterlife of Images

[Chari Larsson]

10. After the End: Melancholia and the Politics of Time

[Amelia Barikin]

Conclusion: Melancholia: Past, Present, Future?

[Michael Ann Holly]
Apparent Horizon;Young Men;Jeffrey Angles;German National Museum;Underweysung Der Messung;Historical Contextual Knowledge;Boethius's De Institutione Musica;Germanisches National Museum;Racial Melancholia;Vanishing Land;Archimedean Solids;Franchino Gaffurio;Charles De Bovelles;Ghost Box;Early Modern Visual Culture;Melancholy Art;Pythagorean System;Yorta Yorta;Elisha Whittelsey;Platonic Solids;Holy Men;Muslim World;Australian Art;Melancholic Temperament;Wellcome Collection