Lean Business Guidebook

Lean Business Guidebook

How to Satisfy Your Customers and Maximize Your Profit

Bindra, MJS; Kaur, Ekroop

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Why is lean accounting vital for a company? 2. Revolutionizing the manufacturing operations: Toyota Production System 3. The lean way of doing business 4. Who should lead the implementation of lean strategy? 5. Bid adieu to standard cost accounting, welcome lean accounting 6. Lean measures for a lean company 7. Value stream costing 8. Plant capacity assessment 9. Corporate scorecard 10. Lean Performance Measurement System 11. Finance for non-finance 12. New role of Finance Team 13. Budgeting 14. Business plan review 15. Lean ERP for Lean Accounting 16. Reduction in transactions 17. System assessment/audit 18. Lean transformation journey of Perfect Gear Company Index
Customer satisfaction;Lean production;Operational excellence;Manufacturing;Toyota production system;Value stream costing;Lean Accounting;Lean Production System;Daily Management System;Lean Company;Stream Managers;Throughput Time;Plant Floor;Corporate Scorecard;Standard Cost Accounting;Functional Managers;Cycle Time;ERP;CFO;HRD;PPC;OEE;Lean Journey;Kaizen Tools;TBM;Work Order;Stream Costs;Miss Incidents;Lower Throughput Time;Business Processes