Economics and Business of Sustainability

Economics and Business of Sustainability

Nemetz, Peter N.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1 Book outline, rationale and introduction; 2 A brief historical overview of economic development and the environment: Pre- and post-agricultural revolution; 3 A brief historical overview of economic development and the environment: The Industrial Revolution and sequel; 4 What are we trying to achieve? Measuring wealth and well-being; 5 An overview of environmental economics; 6 Cost-benefit analysis and measuring environmental benefits; 7 Placing a value on human life; 8 Some relevant ecological principles; 9 A brief outline of ecological economics; 10 Risk analysis and the precautionary principle; 11 Pandemics and sustainability; 12 The path forward
UN;HDI;IPBES;Energy Sources;Ecosystem Services;Gdp Growth;Harlequin Duck;Environmental Issues;Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform;Greenhouse Gases;Energy Resources;Biodiversity Offsets;MERS;Federal Aviation Administration;FAA;Barrow's Golden Eye;Pe Scheme;Pe Programme;Rum Model;TSP;GHG Intensity;Real Gdp;GHG Production;Emission Fees;Marketable Permits