Risk, Opportunity, Uncertainty and Other Random Models

Risk, Opportunity, Uncertainty and Other Random Models

Jones, Alan

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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List of Figures

List of Tables


Introduction and objectives

Why write this book? Who might find it useful? Why five volumes?

Why write this series? Who might find it useful?

Why five volumes?

Features you'll find in this book and others in this series

Chapter context

The lighter side (humour)



Discussions and explanations with a mathematical
slant for Formula-philes

Discussions and explanations without a mathematical
slant for Formula-phobes

Caveat augur

Worked examples

Useful Microsoft Excel functions and facilities

References to authoritative sources

Chapter reviews

Overview of chapters in this volume

Elsewhere in the 'Working Guide to Estimating & Forecasting' series

Volume I: Principles, Process and Practice of Professional
Number Juggling

Volume II: Probability, Statistics and Other Frightening Stuff

Volume III: Best Fit Lines and Curves, and
Some Mathe-Magical Transformations

Volume IV: Learning, Unlearning and Re-Learning Curves

Volume V: Risk, Opportunity, Uncertainty and Other

Random Models

Final thoughts and musings on this volume and series


Norden-Rayleigh Curves for solution development

Norden-Rayleigh Curves:Who, what, where, when and why?

Probability Density Function and Cumulative Distribution Function

Truncation options

How does a Norden-Rayleigh Curve differ from the
Rayleigh Distribution?

Some practical limitations of the Norden-Rayleigh Curve

Breaking the Norden-Rayleigh 'Rules'

Additional objectives: Phased development (or the 'camelling')

Correcting an overly optimistic view of the problem
complexity:The Square Rule

Schedule slippage due to resource ramp-up delays:
The Pro Rata Product Rule

Schedule slippage due to premature resource reduction

Beta Distribution: A practical alternative to Norden-Rayleigh

PERT-Beta Distribution: A viable alternative to Norden-Rayleigh?

Resource profiles with Norden-Rayleigh Curves

and Beta Distribution PDFs

Triangular Distribution: Another alternative to Norden-Rayleigh

Truncated Weibull Distributions and their Beta equivalents

Truncated Weibull Distributions for solution development

General Beta Distributions for solution development

Estimates to Completion with Norden-Rayleigh Curves

Guess and Iterate Technique

Norden-Rayleigh Curve fitting with Microsoft Excel Solver

Linear transformation and regression

Exploiting Weibull Distribution's double log linearisation constraint

Estimates to Completion - Review and conclusion

Chapter review


Monte Carlo Simulation and other random thoughts

Monte Carlo Simulation:Who, what, why, where,
when and how

Origins of Monte Carlo Simulation: Myth and mirth

Relevance to estimators and planners

Key principle: Input variables with an uncertain future

Common pitfalls to avoid

Is our Monte Carlo output normal?

Monte Carlo Simulation: A model of accurate imprecision

What if we don't know what the true Input Distribution

Functions are?

Monte Carlo Simulation and correlation

Independent random uncertain events - How real is that?

Modelling semi-independent uncertain events
(bees and hedgehogs)

Chain-Linked Correlation models

Hub-Linked Correlation models

Using a Hub-Linked model to drive a background
isometric correlation

Which way should we go?

A word of warning about negative correlation in Monte Carlo Simulation

Modelling and analysis of Risk, Opportunity and Uncertainty

Sorting the wheat from the chaff

Modelling Risk Opportunity and Uncertainty in a single model

Mitigating Risks, realising Opportunities and contingency planning

Getting our Risks, Opportunities and Uncertainties in a tangle

Dealing with High Probability Risks

Beware of False Prophets: Dealing with Low Probability
High Impact Risks

Using Risk or Opportunity to model extreme values
of Uncertainty

Modelling Probabilities of Occurrence

Other random techniques for evaluating Risk, Opportunity and Uncertainty

ROU Analysis: Choosing appropriate values with confidence

Monte Carlo Risk and Opportunity Analysis is

fundamentally flawed!

Chapter review


Risk, Opportunity and Uncertainty: A holistic perspective

Top-down Approach to Risk, Opportunity and Uncertainty

Top-down metrics

Marching Army Technique: Cost-schedule related variability

Assumption Uplift Factors: Cost variability independent
of schedule variability

Lateral Shift Factors: Schedule variability independent
of cost variability

An integrated Top-down Approach

Bridging into the unknown: Slipping and
Sliding Technique

Using an Estimate Maturity Assessment as a guide to ROU maturity

Chapter review


Factored Value Technique for Risks and Opportunities

The wrong way

A slightly better way

The best way

Chapter review


Introduction to Critical Path and Schedule Risk Analysis

What is Critical Path Analysis?

Finding a Critical Path using Binary Activity Paths in Microsoft Excel

Using Binary Paths to find the latest start and finish times, and float

Using a Critical Path to Manage Cost and Schedule

Modelling variable Critical Paths using Monte Carlo Simulation

Chapter review


Finally, after a long wait ... Queueing Theory

Types of queues and service discipline

Memoryless queues

Simple single channel queues (M/M/1 and M/G/1)

Example of Queueing Theory in action M/M/1 or M/G/1

Multiple channel queues (M/M/c)

Example of Queueing Theory in action M/M/c or M/G/c

How do we spot a Poisson Process?

When is Weibull viable?

Can we have a Poisson Process with an increasing/decreasing trend?

Chapter review



Glossary of estimating and forecasting terms

Legend for Microsoft Excel Worked Example Tables in Greyscale

General Beta Distribution;CDF;Risk Management;Schedule Risk Analysis;Risk Mitigation;Repair Time Distribution;Opportunity Realisation;Monte Carlo Simulation;Uncertainty Analysis;Monte Carlo Output;Microsoft Excel's Solver;Norden-Rayleigh Curves;Beta Distribution;PERT-Beta Curves;Baseline Tasks;Slipping and Sliding Technique;Uplift Factor;Queueing Theory;Earliest Finish Time;Alan R. Jones;Average Repair Time;PERT-Beta;Weibull Distribution;Critical Path Analysis;Cell C3;working guide to estimating and forecasting;Risk Contingency;Excess Kurtosis;Average Inter-Arrival Time;Fit Beta Distribution;Rayleigh Distribution;Truncation Ratio;Inter-Arrival Time;Sliding Technique;Critical Path;Repair Time