Reconsidering Context in Language Assessment

Reconsidering Context in Language Assessment

Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Social Theories, and Validity

Fox, Janna; Artemeva, Natasha

Taylor & Francis Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Theory, research, reflection, and action: What is this book about?

Janna Fox and Natasha Artemeva

Part I

Building Foundations for Transdisciplinary Dialogue:

New Directions in Language Assessment Research

Chapter One

The problem of context in language assessment: Validity, social theories, and a transdisciplinary research agenda

Janna Fox and Natasha Artemeva

Chapter Two

Validity as an evolving rhetorical art: Context and consequence in assessment

Janna Fox with Natasha Artemeva

Chapter Three

Unpacking the conundrum of context in language assessment: Why do social theories matter?

Janna Fox and Natasha Artemeva

Chapter Four

The contributions of language assessment research:

Evolving considerations of context, constructs, and validity

Janna Fox with Ana Lucia Tavares Monteiro and Natasha Artemeva

Part II

Transdisciplinary research in practice: Building connections

Chapter Five

Clarifying the testing of aural/oral proficiency in an aviation workplace context:

Social theories and transdisciplinary partnerships in test development and validation

Ana Lucia Tavares Monteiro and Janna Fox

Chapter Six

Validation of a rating scale in a post-admission diagnostic assessment:

A Rhetorical Genre Studies perspective

Janna Fox and Natasha Artemeva

Chapter Seven

Social theories and transdisciplinarity: Reflections on the learning potential of three technologically mediated learning spaces

Peggy Hartwick and Janna Fox

Part III

Transdisciplinarity in practice: Moving the research agenda forward

Chapter Eight

Language assessment in the wild

Janna Fox with Natasha Artemeva
language testing;language assessment;social theories of learning;theories of genre;situated learning;intercultural communication;multimodal communication;Carsten Roever;Tim McNamara;context in language testing;language policy;curriculum design;applied linguistics;genre studies;psychometrics;Bruno D. Zumbo;Chloe Grace Fogarty-Bourget;Christen Rachul;Janna Fox;Natasha Artemeva;Ana Tavares Monteiro;Language Assessment Research;Assessment Practices;TR;Test Taker;Online Learning Spaces;RGS;Applicability Gaps;Transdisciplinary Approach;Validation Research;Rt Communication;Analytic Rating Scale;Complex Systems Theory;Additional Academic Support;Rhetorical Expectations;ICAO Policy;Dynamic Assessment;Academic Support Centre;L1 Speaker;Language Assessment Researchers;Critical Language Testing;ePortfolio Practice;Communicative Savvy;LOA Framework;Validation Practices