Raising the Red Flag

Raising the Red Flag

Marxism, Labourism, and the Roots of British Communism, 18841921

Collins, Tony

Haymarket Books





15 a 20 dias

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List of Figures


1 Mr Hyndman versus Comrade Engels: The Birth of the Social Democratic Federation
?1?The Birth of the Social Democratic Federation
?2?From the Socialist League to the Independent Labour Party

2 The Labour Party Question: Labourism, Leftism, and the Second International
?1?The Russian Influence
?2?The Labour Party and the Second International

3 Britain in Crisis: Labour's Great Unrest and the Revolutionary Left
?1?Realignment on the Left and the British Socialist Party
?2?The Second International Steers towards the Labour Party
?3?The Rise of the Revolutionary Left
?4?The SLP and Revolutionary Syndicalism
?5?Beyond Suffragism

4 August 1914: British Marxists in the Face of War
?1?The BSP and SLP and the Test of War
?2?The Anti-war Left
?3?Revolutionary Opponents of War

5 The Clyde Turns Red: John Maclean and the Enemy at Home
?1?The War on the Home Front
?2?The Easter Rising and the British Left
?3?Nashe Slovo, the BSP and Revolutionary Internationalism
?4?The Zimmerwald Debate in Britain

6 'Lads Like Me Had Whacked the Bosses': The Coming of the Russian Revolution
?1?Repression and Revolt
?2?Follow Russia! The Leeds Convention
?3?Labourism Responds to the Russian Revolution
?4?Bolshevism and the British Left

7 1919: The Question of Power
?1?'Are You Ready to Take Power?'
?2?The Police Strikes
?3?Leadership, the Lefts and the Left
?4?Racist Scourge in Europe
?5?Ireland's Tragedy, Labour's Disgrace

8 Between Labour and Bolshevism: Towards A Communist Party
?1?Towards Unity ... and the Labour Party?
?2?The Coming of the Communist International
?3?Britain and the Amsterdam Bureau
?4?The Fate of John Maclean

9 'Long Live the Communist Party!' Building a British Section of the Communist International
?1?The Second Congress of the Comintern
?2?The Birth of the Communist Party of Great Britain
?3?The Unification Conference
?4?A Stillborn Party?

?In Praise of Learning

Appendix 1: Timeline
Appendix 2: Figures
Communist Party of Great Britain; class struggle; 1917; World War One; Russian Revolution; SWP; British Communist Party; British Marxism