Metaphysics of Cooperation

Metaphysics of Cooperation

Edward Abramowski's Social Philosophy. With a Selection of His Writings

Rudnicki, Cezary; Abramowski, Edward; Besznowski, Bartomiej

Haymarket Books





15 a 20 dias

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Notes on Contributors

A Notes from the Editors

Bibliographical Note

Bartlomiej Blesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki

Part i
?Sociology of Associations Edward Abramowski between Socialism and Sociological Theory
??Bartlomiej Blesznowski

Edward Abramowski's Writings

Issues of Socialism
I ?The Principle of Social Phenomenon

ii ?The Sociological Issues

Individual Elements in Sociology

Socialism and the State
ii ?The Doctrine of the Revolution

Part ii
?The Metamorphoses of Subjectivity, the Transitions of the Social The Ethics of Edward Abramowski
??Cezary Rudnicki

Edward Abramowski's Writings

Ethics and Revolution

Friendship Unions i

Friendship Unions ii

Experimental Metaphysics
v ?Human Identity. The Ideal of Fraternity

vi ?The Question of Will

vii ?The Life Ethics of Friendship

Part iii
?Revolution from Below Edward Abramowski's Stateless Socialism and Possibility of Prefigurative Politics
??Kamil Piskala

Edward Abramowski's Writings

Workers' Revolution

Issues of Socialism
iv ?Ethical Questions and the Politics of Revolution

Socialism and the State
v ?The Politics of Stateless Socialism

A General Conspiracy Against the Government
1?We Declare That We Will Fight!

ii ?What Is Freedom?

iii ?How Should We Fight?

iv ?How Should the Conspiracy Be Conducted

v ?The Fight in gmnias

vi ?This Let Us Remember!

Part iv
?The Free Creators of Life The Cooperativism of Edward Abramowski
??Aleksandra Bilewicz

Edward Abramowski's Writings

The Cooperative as a Matter of the Liberation of Working People

i ?The Economic Principle of Consumer Cooperative

ii ?The Benefits of a Consumer Cooperative

iii ?Consumer Cooperative Federations and Institutions

iv ?Consumer Cooperatives' Production

v ?People's Associations in Cooperation with Consumer Cooperatives

vi ?The Ideas of Cooperativism

?The Signifiance of Cooperativism for Democracy

The Consumer Cooperative Places National Trade in the Hands of the People

The Consumer Cooperative Places Production and National Resources in the Hands of the People

The Consumer Cooperative Places Education and Health in the Hands of the People
The Consumer Cooperative Teaches Self-government and Freedom

Associations and Their Role
i ?On Associations in General (What Is an Association?)

ii ?Forms of People's Associations

The Principle of the Cooperative Commonwealth
1?The Principle of the Cooperative Commonwealth

2?The Nature (Form) of the Cooperative Commonwealth

3?Governance in a Cooperative Commonwealth

4?The Law of the Cooperative Commonwealth

5?The Concept of Human and Civil Rights in a Cooperative Commonwealth

6?The Notion of Life in a Cooperative Commonwealth

7?The Antagonism of the State and the Cooperative Commonwealth

8?Socialism and the Cooperative Commonwealth

9?The Cooperative Commonwealth and Politics

Part v
?The Subconscious Origin of Ethics Edward Abramowski's Psychological Theory
??Lena Magnone

Edward Abramowski's Writings

The Sources of Subconsciousness and Its Manifestations
i ?The Problem of Method

x ?Aesthetic States

xi ?Religious States

xii ?Things Beyond Thought

Afterword: All the Best!
??Andrzej Mencwel


Polish sociology; Edward Abramowski; cooperativism; libertarian socialism; social psychology; anarchism; association socialism; Polish Anarchism; intellectual history