Plant Science for Gardeners

Plant Science for Gardeners

Essentials for Growing Better Plants

Pavlis, Robert

New Society Publishers






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction to Plant Science

Organization of the Book

Terms Used in This Book

1. Plant Basics


Xylem and Phloem


Plant Myth: Plants Raise the Oxygen Level in Homes

ATP and the Energy Cycle


Meristematic Cells

Classification of Plants

2. Roots

Root Basics

Types of Roots

Plant Myth: Feeder Roots Are Located Under the Dripline

Effect of Gravity

Cut Roots and Side Roots

Plant Myth: Circulating Roots Continue to Circulate

Conditions That Affect Root Growth

Plant Myth: Transplant Solutions Grow Better Roots

Root Growth in Winter

Absorption of Water and Nutrients

Plant Myth: Is Soil pH Important?

Roots and Microbes

Plant Myth: Purchased Mycorrhizal Fungi Are Good for Plants

Plant Myth: Roots Grow Towards Water

The Rhizosphere

3. Stems

The Outer Structure of Stems

Internal Structure of Stems



How Stems Grow

The Importance of Photosynthesis

Underground Stems

Plant Myth: Plant Bulbs after the Ground Is Frozen

Plant Myth: Bearded Iris Should Be Planted with Rhizome Showing

4. Leaves

Leaf Structure

How Sun Affects Leaves

Why Are Some Leaves Red?

Plant Myth: Evergreen Needles and Oak Leaves Are Acidic

Functionality of Damaged Leaves

Natural Pesticides

Signaling Between Plants

Pest-Proof Leaves

Water Stress and Wilting Leaves

Leaf Abscission

Variegated Leaves

5. Flowers

Parts of a Flower


What Causes Flowering?

Why Do Plants Not Flower?

Plant Myth: High Phosphate Grows More Blooms

Tough Love for Plants

Attracting Pollinators

Enjoy the Bracts

Dioecious and Monoecious Plants

6. Fruits and Seeds

What Is a Fruit?

The Importance of Fruit

Different Types of Fruits

Fruit Development

Seed Development

Suckering Tomato Plants

Seeds from Non-Flowering Plants

Soil Seed Bank

7. The Whole Plant

Life Cycle of Plants

Plant Dormancy

Movement of Water

Movement of Nutrients

Plant Myth: Leaves Can Be Used to ID Nutrient Deficiencies

Movement of Sugars

Seasonal Sharing of Resources

Overcoming Physical Damage

How Do Plants Get Taller?

Following the Sun

How Light Affects Plant Growth


8. Woody Plants

What Are Woody Plants?

Structure of Woody Stems

Where Does Wood Come From?

Plant Myth: Newly Planted Trees Need to Be Staked

Storage of Sugars

Taproots vs. Fibrous Roots

Composition of Wood

Apical Dominance

Healing Damage

Plant Myth: Damage on Trees Should Be Painted


9. Environmental Factors

Garden Hardiness Zones

Dealing with Cold

Protecting Plants from Cold

Dealing with Heat

Dealing with Water Extremes

Adaptability of Plants

How Climate Change Affects Gardens

10. Growing from Seeds

When Is Seed Mature?

The Seed Germination Process

The Mysterious Cotyledons

Why Do Seeds Stay Dormant?

Breaking Dormancy

Plant Myth: Seeds Can Have Double Dormancy

Seed Storage

Best Method for Starting Seeds Indoors

11. Selecting Seeds

Basic Genetics

Hybrids vs. Heirlooms

GMO Seeds

Days to Maturity

Buying Unusual Seeds

12. Vegetative Reproduction

Natural Vegetative Reproduction

Rooted Stems and Leaves

Artificial Vegetative Reproduction

Plant Myth: Homemade Rooting Hormones Work Well


13. Plant Names

Why Use Botanical Names?

Naming Conventions

The Proper Way to Name Your Plants


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Applied;;botany;Aspen;Biology;C/N ratio;fertilization;flowers;Gardening;Garden;Growing;growth;health;Home;Homesteading;horticulture;intelligent gardener;Market;master;Micro-farming;myths;nutrient;Optimized;organic;plants;pollination;Problem-solving;Propagation;roots;seeds;Soil;solutions;Steve Solomon;sustainable;techniques;Understanding;Vegetables