Introduction to Simulations of Semiconductor Lasers

Introduction to Simulations of Semiconductor Lasers

Wartak, Marek

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Fundamentals of semiconductors. Chapter 3: Semiconductor transport equations and contacts. Chapter 4: p-n junctions. Chapter 5: Electrical processes. Chapter 6: Poisson equation. Chapter 7: Experiments using Poisson equation. Homo diode. Chapter 8: Hetero-junction using Poisson equation. Chapter 9: Homo-diode based on drift-diffusion. Chapter 10: Matlab code for P-N homo-diode. Chapter 11: Hetero-diode based on drift-diffusion. Chapter 12: Multi-layer passive slab waveguides. Chapter 13: Optical parameters and processes. Chapter 14: Semiconductor laser. Chapter 15: Conclusions. Chapter 16: Appendix. Material parameters. Chapter 17: Appendix.Short history of semiconductor laser simulations. Bibliography. Index.