International Perspectives on Educating for Democracy in Early Childhood

International Perspectives on Educating for Democracy in Early Childhood

Recognizing Young Children as Citizens

DeZutter, Stacy Lee

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Introduction: Recognizing Young Children as Citizens in Classrooms Section 1: How should citizenship education be conceptualized? 2. Young Children as Democratic Participants: Ethical Consideration for Research and Practice 3. Challenges for Policy and Practice for Young Children's Community Building Identified in a Study of Young Children's Civic Action 4. Gender, Sexual Identities and Citizenship Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Canadian Kindergarten Curricula 5. Teaching Demokrasia and Uraia in Tanzanian Pre-Primary Education Programs Teaching Demokrasia and Uraia in Tanzanian Pre-Primary Education Programs 6. Realistic Utopias of the Commons in Education 7. Collaborative Commentary: How Should Citizenship Education Be Conceptualized? 8. Active Citizenship Education with Young Children: Key Themes, Possibilities and Future Research Directions Section 2: How Do Young Children Think About and Enact Citizenship? 9. Citizen Children Raising Their Voices and Striving to Save the Planet ... and Themselves 10. Investigating the Implicit: An Exploration of Elementary Students' Conceptions of Gender 11. Using Multimodal Assessment to Empower Children as Citizens After a Disaster Event 12. "I Don't Want You to Say No, I Want You to Say Yes": One Two-Year-Old's Transformative Dissent 13. Collaborative Commentary: How Do Children Think About and Enact Citizenship? 14. Broadening the Scope of Civic Education - Critical Contributions Section 3: How Do Teachers Support Young Children as Citizens? 15. Children Are Citizens: Encouraging Civic Agency in Our Youngest Learners 16. Teaching Children the Power of Their Voice in a Preschool Classroom 17. Teaching the Black Lives Matter at School: 13-Guiding Principles as Cultural Citizenship Education for Young Children 18. Children's Empowered Inclusion in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability 19. Comparing the Pacific and the Rural Northeast? Meta-ethnographic Investigations of Citizenship(s) in Progressive ECE Programs 20. Children as Citizens of a Global Society: Learning Together in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms 21. Collaborative Commentary: How Do Teachers Support Children as Citizens 22. Love, Empathy, and Global Citizenship Education 23. Children's Classroom Citizenship Enactment: Challenges and Opportunities
Democracy;Democratic citizenship;Children as Citizens;Citizenship;Early Childhood Education;ECE;Early Years;Children's agency;Child voice;New Sociology of Childhood;critical race theory;cultural historical activity theory;Critical discourse analysis;Arts-based education research;Interaction analysis;Classroom ethnography;Arts Based Education Research;Math Gender Stereotype;IEA International;ECE Program;Neoliberal Educational Discourses;Global Citizenship Skill;Meta-ethnographic Analysis;Citizenship Education;Civic Education;Data Set;Vice Versa;Professional Development;ECE Classroom;Effective Global Citizens;Environmental Issues;Tas;Democratic Citizenship Education;Black Lives Matter;Cultural Citizenship;Educational Commons;Early Learning Framework;Par Process;Sea Water;Nonbinary Gender