Instant Insights: Lameness in Dairy Cattle

Instant Insights: Lameness in Dairy Cattle

Amory, Dr Jonathan R.; Heringstad, Dr B.; Codling, Professor Edward A.; Barker, Dr Zoe E.; Bell, Dr Nick J.; Egger-Danner, Dr Christa

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Developments in automated systems for monitoring livestock health: lameness: Zoe E. Barker, University of Reading, UK; Nick J. Bell, University of Nottingham, UK; Jonathan R. Amory, Writtle University College, UK; and Edward A. Codling, University of Essex, UK; 1 Introduction2 Lameness and its impacts3 Lameness and behaviour4 Non-automated detection of lameness5 Automated detection of lameness using non-wearable technology6 Automated detection of lameness using animal-mounted accelerometers7 Automated detection of lameness using spatial positioning systems8 Conclusion and future trends9 Where to look for further information10 References
Chapter 2 - Preventing and managing lameness in dairy cows: Nick Bell, The Royal Veterinary College, UK; 1 Introduction2 Lameness in dairy cows: associated pain, prevalence and incidence3 Recording causes and ensuring prompt and effective treatment4 Lesion aetiology and categories of risk for the four main causes of lameness in dairy cows5 Risk assessments and cost-effective interventions6 Conclusions: how assessment, evaluation and facilitation is driving improvement7 Where to look for further information8 References
Chapter 3 - Advances in dairy cattle breeding to improve resistance to claw disorders/lameness: C. Egger-Danner, ZuchtData EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH, Austria; and B. Heringstad, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway; 1 Introduction2 Breeding goals3 Data sources of phenotypes4 Genetic evaluation5 Selection and genetic gain6 International developments in improving claw health and lameness7 Conclusion8 Future trends9 Acknowledgements10 Where to look for further information11 References
Chapter 4 - Optimising foot health in dairy cattle: Nick J. Bell, The University of Nottingham, UK; 1 Introduction2 Claw horn disruption - a paradigm shift3 Aetiopathogenesis of white line bruising and lesions4 Aetiopathogenesis and control of digital dermatitis5 Summary and critical control points6 Case study7 Emerging diseases and future concepts8 Where to look for further information9 References
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Accelerometer;animal behaviour;dairy cow;spatial positioning system;Precision Livestock Farming;lesion recording;lameness scoring;monitoring;risk assessment;interventions;facilitation;social marketing;Claw health;Genetic improvement in cattle;Cattle breeding;Phenotyping;Breeding programmes;housing design for cow comfort;foot disinfection;cow flow;genomics;mobility scoring