How to Excel in Your Doctoral Viva

How to Excel in Your Doctoral Viva

Bedwell, Stacey; Butcher, Isabelle

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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1 Introduction.- 1.1 Welcome.- 1.2 The Authors.- 1.3 Why Write a Book on how to Complete a Successful Viva?.- 1.4 How Does this Book Work?.- 2 What Is the Viva?.- 2.1 What the Viva Is Not.- 2.2 Purpose of the Viva.- 2.3 What Does the Viva Involve?.- 2.4 Why Is the Viva an Oral Examination Not a Written Exam?.- 2.5 The Viva as a Dyadic Conversation Not an Interview.- 2.6 The Viva as an Opportunity to Engage with Academics.- 2.7 Practical Points.- Choosing Examiners.- When Do my Examiners Receive my Thesis?.- What Do my Examiners Do Prior to my Viva?.- When Should I Have my Viva?.- Timing of the Viva.- Location of the Viva.- Who Will Be in the Viva Room?.- Taking Notes in the Viva.- Communication Etiquette Regarding Viva Examination.- 2.8 Post Viva.- 3 Urban Myths about the PhD Viva.- 3.1 Viva Rumours.- 3.2 Top.- Urban Myths about the PhD Viva.- 3.3 Debunking Common Viva Myths.- 4 Real Viva Experiences.-4.1 General Viva Feelings.- 4.2 Subject-Specific Viva Experiences.- Biosciences.- Animal Behaviour.- Psychology.- Neuroscience.- 4.3 Anthropology.- Mathematics.- Multidisciplinary.- Medicine.- Nursing.- Theology.- Education.- Pharmacy.- 4.4 Examiner Experiences.- 4.5 Summary.- 5 Making the Most of and Enjoying your Viva.- 5.1 Making the Most of and Enjoying the Viva.- 5.2 An Enjoyable Experience.- The Build-up to the Viva.- The Viva itself.- The Aftermath.- 5.3 The Value of the Viva.- A Chance to Show off.- A Chance to Discuss Critically.- Gaining Valuable New Perspectives.- Practice in Articulating Complex Ideas.- Practice in Selling you, your Work, and your Skills.- 5.4 The Purpose of your Viva.- 5.5 How the Viva Helps you Post-PhD.- Job Interviews.- The Workplace.- Teaching.- Conferences.- Meetings and Presentations.- 5.6 Favourite Parts of the Viva.- 5.7 Positive Viva Memories.- 6 After the Viva.- 6.1 Outcomes.- 6.2 Corrections/Revisions.- 6.3 Post Viva Celebrations.- 7 Practice Questions.- 7.1 Common Viva Questions.- General Questions.- Literature Review/Background Questions.- Chapter or Study-Specific Questions.- Overall Contribution and Value Questions.- Alternative Approaches Questions.- Future Research Questions.- 8 Being Confident in your Thesis.- 8.1 How to Ensure you Are Confident in your Work.- 8.2 Your Work Is Valuable.- 8.4 Imposter Syndrome.- 8.5 Defending your Thesis.- 8.6 Saying 'I' Not 'we'.- 8.7 Honesty and Hindsight.- 9 The Viva Preparation Timeline.- 9.1 Three Months before Oral Examination.- 9.2 Two Months Prior to your Viva.- 9.3 OneWeek to Go.- 9.4 The Day before.- 9.5 The Viva Day.- 9.6 Preparation Timeline.- 10 Participating in a Mock Viva.- 10.1 Why Do a Mock Viva?.- 10.2 How to Set up a Mock Viva.- 10.3 How Far in Advance Should the Mock Viva Be?.- 10.4 Who Should Examine the Mock Viva?.- Your Director of Studies/Primary Supervisor.- Other Members of your Supervisory Team.- Faculty Involved in Previous Steps E.G. MPhil.-PhD Transfer/Continuation Viva/Upgrade.- Other Experts.- Non-experts.- 10.5 Should Anyone Else Attend your Mock Viva?.- Supervisors.- Audience.- 10.6 What to Do after the Mock Viva.- 10.7 Key Elements and Questions to Include.-11 Viva Concerns.
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life sciences;social sciences;PhD viva;research degree;Psychology