Democracy Disrupted

Democracy Disrupted

Communication in the Volatile 2020 Presidential Election

McKinney, Mitchell S.; Banwart, Mary C.; Warner, Benjamin R.; Bystrom, Dianne G.

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc






15 a 20 dias

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Introduction Exploring the Disruptive 2020 Campaign: Contextualizing the Role of the Push for Progress, the Pandemic, and the Insurrection at the Capitol
Benjamin R. Warner and Dianne G. Bystrom
Part One Disrupting the Status Quo
Chapter 1Looking In/Looking Out: Pete Buttigieg's Not-So-Queer Run for the Presidency3
Bryan G. Pepper and Mitchell S. McKinney
Chapter 2Mediating Race and Gender in Campaign 2020: The Cooking with Kamala Videos21
Trevor Parry-Giles, Divine Narkotey Aboagye, Jin R. Choi, Taylor Hourigan, Meg Itoh, Carolyn Robbins, Matthew Salzano, Kalin Schultz, and Shelby Sturm
Chapter 3Rhetoric of Optimism and Promise of Transformation: Concession Speeches by U.S. Presidential Women Candidates in 2020
Julia A. Spiker
Chapter 4Partisan Motivations for News Use: Implications for Threat Perceptions during the 2020 U.S. Election
Andrea Figueroa-Caballero and Julius Matthew Riles
Chapter 5Navigating Difficult Conversations in the Family in the 2020 Election Environment77
Xavier Scruggs and Colleen Warner Colaner
Part Two Disrupting the Campaign
Chapter 6Political Party Tweets during the 2020 Presidential Campaign93
Daniel Montez and Kate Kenski
Chapter 7Donald Trump and the COVID-19 Information Environment in Campaign 2020117
Joshua M. Scacco, Jonathon Smith, and Kevin Coe
Chapter 8Forced Online: The Promise and Challenge of Relational Organizing Technology in a 2020 State-Level Campaign
Ashley Muddiman and Cameron W. Piercy
Chapter 9"The SPN Family Votes!": Celebrity Endorsements in Online Fan Communities159
Ashley A. Hinck
Chapter 10Hope and Fear in a Pandemic: Videostyle in 2020 Presidential Advertising 177
Kelly L. Winfrey
Part Three Disrupting Democratic Norms
Chapter 11Donald Trump, Emotional Activation, and Authoritarianism207
Robert C. Rowland
Chapter 12Reclaiming the Center: Constitutive Rhetoric and the "Moderate Ethos" in Crossover Endorsements for Joe Biden
Ryan Neville-Shepard
Chapter 13Trump's Disruptive Debate: Analyzing the Candidate Branding Costs239
Josh C. Bramlett, Benjamin R. Warner, and Mitchell S. McKinney
Chapter 14Social Dominance, Sexism, and the Lasting Effects on Political Communication from the 2020 Election
Mary C. Banwart and Michael W. Kearney
Chapter 15Partisan Media and Polarization in the 2020 Campaign289
Benjamin R. Warner, Jihye Park, Go-Eun Kim, and Alyssa N. Coffey
About the Editors and Contributors 311
Index 317
2020 Campaign; Academic Libraries; Campaign Rhetoric; COVID-19 Information Environment; Crossover Endorsements; Digital Organizing; Partisan Media; Presidential Debates; Racialized Threat Perceptions; Sexism; Voter Polarization