Strategy, Money and Technology in the 2008 Presidential Election

Strategy, Money and Technology in the 2008 Presidential Election

Panagopoulos, Costas

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Introduction Part One: "Strategy and Choice in the 2008 Election" 2. Beyond the Battlegrounds? Electoral College Stratgeies in the 2008 Presidential Election 3. Context and Strategy in Presidential Campaigns: Incumbency and Political Climate 4. Grassroots Mobilization in the 2008 Presidential Election 5. Prejudice, Black Threat and the Racist Voter in the 2008 Presidential Election 6. The Contemporary Effects of Vice-Presidential Nominees: Sarah Palin and the 2008 Presidential Campaign Part Two: "Money and Technology in the 2008 Elections" 7. Riding the Waves of Money: Contribution Dynamics in the 2008 Presidential Nomination Campaign 8. Looking Beyond the Voting Constituency: A Study of Campaign Donation Solicitations in the 2008 Presidential Primary and General Election 9. Filled Coffers: Campaign Contributions and Contributors in the 2008 Elections 10. The American Internet Voter 11. Can Online Videos Increase Turnout?: A Field Experiment Testing the Effect of Online Peer-Created Online Videos on Youth Turnout 12. Many Sources, One Message: Political Blog Links to Online Videos during the 2008 Campaign 13. Plugged In or Tuned Out? Youth, Race and Internet Usage in the 2008 Election 14. The Search is On: Googling "Barack Obama" and "Hillary Clinton" in the 2008 Democratic Primary 15. The Web 2.0 Election: Does the Online Medium Matter? 16. From Networked Nominee to Networked Nation: Examining the Impact of Web 2.0 and Social Media on Political Participation and Civic Engagement in the 2008 Obama Campaign
McCain Campaigns;Obama Campaign;obama;Candidates Web Site;campaign;Open Seat Elections;mccains;Battleground States;super;Unpopular Incumbent;tuesday;Super Tuesday;candidates;In-party Candidate;web;Campaign Contact;site;Active Online Engagement;open;American National Election Studies;seat;Iowa Caucus;Online Political;Internet Access;Online Political Activity;CIO;Political Bloggers;Search Traffic;Ane;Lower Lows;Successor Candidates;McCain Vote;Solidary Appeals;Thermometer Ratings;non-Internet Users