Cree Pedagogy

Cree Pedagogy

Dance Your Style

Sasakamoose, Mary; Swan, Ida; Pelletier, Deanna; Weenie, Angelina; Ermine, Willie J.; Lewis, Kevin; Cappo, Jeffery

Canadian Scholars






15 a 20 dias

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PrefacePart I: Cree Pedagogy

Chapter 1: "You've Been Given A Gift"
Chapter 2: First Nations Language Pedagogy
Chapter 3: Traditional Northern Elder Perspectives on Knowledge, Language, Land, and Culture
Chapter 4: Dance Your StylePart II: askiy kiskinohmakewina: Earth Teachings

Chapter 5: The Philosophy of Land-Based Education
Chapter 6: Steps in Creating a Successful Cree Immersion Land-Based Program
Chapter 7: kiskinwahamatowin: Learning and Teaching Together
Chapter 8: Medicine Walk To My IdentityPart III: waseyaw: The Pathway

Chapter 9: Exploring the Culture Camp Approach in First Nations Education
Chapter 10: Earth Teachings and Insights from Elders on Culture Camps
Chapter 11: maskihkiw mamitoneyihcikan: Medicine Thinking
Chapter 12: okimaw- wihtwawin: The GiveawayAuthor Biographies