Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements

Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements

W. Brent, Zoe; Alonso-Fradejas, Alberto; Borras Jr., Saturnino M.; Moreda, Tsegaye

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Converging social justice issues and movements: implications for political actions and research Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Tsegaye Moreda, Alberto Alonso-Fradejas and Zoe W. Brent 2. The politics of convergence in Bolivia: social movements and the state Ben M. McKay 3. Implicating 'fisheries justice' movements in food and climate politics Elyse N. Mills 4. Convergence as political strategy: social justice movements, natural resources and climate change Salena Tramel 5. The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice Saturnino M. Borras Jr. and Jennifer C. Franco 6. The right to food in the context of large-scale land investment in Ethiopia Tsegaye Moreda 7. Analysing agricultural investment from the realities of small-scale food providers: grounding the debates Christina M. Schiavoni, Salena Tramel, Hannah Twomey and Benedict S. Mongula 8. The 'tenure guidelines' as a tool for democratising land and resource control in Latin America Zoe W. Brent, Alberto Alonso-Fradejas, Gonzalo Colque and Sergio Sauer 9. Why wait for the state? Using the CFS Tenure Guidelines to recalibrate political-legal struggles for democratic land control Jennifer Franco and Sofia Monsalve Suarez 10. Pathway to resilience: hands and hearts for peasant livelihoods and fair relations between humans and nature Paula Gioia 11. The origins and politics, campaigns and demands by the international fisher peoples' movement: an Indigenous perspective Sherry Pictou 12. Black lives and climate justice: courage and power in defending communities and Mother Earth Sara Mersha
Food Sovereignty;Climate Justice;Third World Quarterly;Redd;agrarian justice;Climate Smart Agriculture;Global Land Rush;environmental justice;Small Scale Fisheries;social justice;Civil Society;convergence;Small Scale Fishers;fisheries justice;Resource Grabbing;climate politics;Tenure Guidelines;social justice movements;Climate Justice Alliance;climate change;Flex Crops;social movements;Climate Change Politics;food justice issues;Agricultural Investments;agrarian politics;Climate Change Mitigation;Marine Protected Areas;Mst;Global Land Grab;Large Scale Agricultural Investments;Extractivist Development Model;Converging Crises;Food Sovereignty Framework;South African Fishers