Collaborative Spaces at Work

Collaborative Spaces at Work

Innovation, Creativity and Relations

Montanari, Fabrizio; Mattarelli, Elisa; Scapolan, Anna Chiara

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction: Collaborative spaces between current trends and future challenges PART I - How collaborative spaces work: Goals, internal dynamics, and (un)expected results in context 1. The relational foundation of collaboration in a cultural and social hub. The case of Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Bologna 2. Discovering workscapes: An investigation of collective workspaces 3. Collaborative spaces for urban regeneration: The case of Complesso di Santa Caterina a Formiello in Naples 4. Collaborative spaces in the material world: Toward a typology of space-time regulation artifacts 5. Language in collaborative spaces: Advantages and barriers 6. Makers or breakers? Shared fabrication spaces as a double-edged sword for entrepreneurship PART II - Collaborative spaces and creativity 7. An invitation to the unseen world of networked creativity: Tracing idea journeys through the new infrastructures of work 8. How we look is how we work: Workplace design and the rhetoric of creative work 9. From coworkers to friends: How does the aesthetic experience of third places affect the creative process 10. A diachronic view of the role of collaborative spaces in the creative industries: The singular case of the French "atelier Nawak" 11. Cultural entrepreneurship incubators as collaborative spaces: A systematic review of cultural entrepreneurship incubation PART III - Collaborative spaces in other contexts 12. Turning public libraries into collaborative spaces: The role of multimodal imaginaries 13. Explaining path dependence in boundary work for internal and external innovation. The role of corporate collaborative spaces 14. Greenhouses are made of glass: Tensions in experimental spaces for creative collaboration in front-end pharmaceutical research 15. Festivals as collaborative spaces: The worlding ecology of comic conventions 16. Growing collaborative creative learning spaces: The case of London School of Mosaic
Workspaces;Innovation;Spatial design;Creativity;Organizational behaviour;Open plan office;Employee relations;University Spin Offs;Sustaining innovation;Danish Public Libraries;Collaborative spaces;Porta Capuana;Social interaction;Organization's Innovation Capabilities;Economic development;Coworking Spaces;Foster creativity;Vice Versa;MIT Centre;CSs;Fab Labs;Public Administration;Social Innovation Initiative;Impact Hub;Systematic Keyword Search;Online Promotional Material;Social Integration Difficulties;Digital Nomads;Space Time Regulation;Creative Hubs;Practical Artifacts;Idea Journeys;Networked Creativity;Working Group Chair;Workplace Design;Boundary Work;Qualitative Inductive Study