Advancing Sexual Consent and Agential Practices in Higher Education

Advancing Sexual Consent and Agential Practices in Higher Education

Toward a New Community of Practice

Laker, Jason A.; Boas, Erica M.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Introduction: Researching Sexual Consent Communication 1. Childhood Lessons and the Social Organization of Sexuality 2. Baseline Research on Sexual Beliefs and Experiences within Collegiate Culture: Lessons in Context 3. It Just Happened: Excavating the Yada Yada and Realpolitiks of Collegiate Sexual Encounters 4. Navigating Race in Sexual Decision-Making 5. Collegiate Sexual Consent in Practice and Affordances of Insurgent Knowledge 6. Methodological Musings: Mindful Engagement of Sexual Consent, Coercion, Violence, and Other Messy Social Problems 7. The Complexities of Consent with Men Who Experience Gender-Based Violence 8. Context Matters: Locating Sexual Violence Education within an Ecological Framework 9. Advancing Institutional Policies and Practices for Gender-Based Violence: Walking the Walk 10. To Prevent and Reduce Men's Sexual Violence Against Women, We Must Challenge Common Social Norms of Masculinity and Masculine Sexuality 11. Living Masculinities with Authenticity: Engaging Male Students to Lead Examined and Better Lives 12. Beyond "Yes" or "No"? Understanding the Complexity of Sexual Consent and Refusal Communication 13. What Cuddle Parties Taught Us About Consent, and What They Forgot to Mention 14. The Players and the Game: A Practitioner's Guide to Coercion, Manipulation, and Other Behaviors Associated with Sexual Offending 15. Reflections on College, Consent, False Accusations and Other Messy Business: In Conversation with Alan Berkowitz 16. Finding Hope and Growing Change: Student Activism on Gender-based Violence in Canada 17. Undressing Consent: A Pleasurable Approach to Learning About Consent, Rejection, and Sexual Violence 18. I Want It to Be Me in That Room: Institutional Betrayal, Identity Intersections, and Healing Centered Responses to Sexual Misconduct 19. Conclusion: Toward an Agential Sexual Future
Sexual consent;Sexual agency;Sexual identity;Sexual coercion;Sexual assault;Sexual Violence;Campus sexual violence;LGBTQ+;Trans youth;Gender-based violence;Consent research;Campus sexual assault policy