Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems

Transgender People Involved with Carceral Systems

International Perspectives

Jenness, Valerie; O'Shea, Saoirse; Maycock, Matthew

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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Chapter one - introduction Often Cruel, Sometimes Unusual, and Sadly Predictable: A Look at the Transgender Carceral Nexus around the Globe

Matthew Maycock, Saoirse O'Shea, Valerie Jenness

Part one

Chapter two "I know the degradation, the humiliation around being incarcerated and ostracized, and marginalized, and sexualized: Pathways to incarceration and the incarceration experiences of Black American and First Nations Australian trans women."

Tania M. Phillips, Kirsty A. Clark, Annette Broemdal, Amy B. Mullens, Tait Sanders, Sherree Halliwell, Jessica Gildersleeve, Kirstie Daken, Joseph Debattista, Carol du Plessis, Paul Simpson, Jaclyn M.W. Hughto

Chapter three, Transgender in deprivation of liberty in Brazil by the lenses of coloniality of power

Fernando Fernandes, Heloisa Melino

Chapter four, Trans women and travestis in prisons: experiences, selectivity and criminal treatment.

Eric Seger de Camargo, Guilherme Gomes Ferreira

Chapter five, "I'm in prison. I'm prisoning myself" - The experiences of transgender men in a women's prison who are perceived as cisgender.

Mia Harris

Chapter six "The Only Man in the Village": The Lived Experiences of Transgender Men Serving Sentences in Women's Prisons in England & Wales

Bill Rossi

Chapter seven, "They didn't want me to be myself, they wanted me to be a man": The Lived Experience of a Transgender Individual Incarcerated in a Canadian Men's Correctional Institution.

Lee Vandenbroeck

Chapter eight The current situation and issues of transgender prisoners in Turkey

Ezgi Ildirim, Can Calici

Chapter nine, Transgender Peoples' experiences of the Criminal Justice System in Pakistan

Mashal Aamir

Chapter ten, Invisible Identities: Transgender Persons, Prisons and Preliminary Perspectives from India.

Arijeet Ghosh

Part two

Chapter eleven, Transgender and non-binary prisoners in the USA and English and Wales Prison Estates.

Olga Suhomlinova, Saoirse O'Shea

Chapter twelve, Rights Went Wrong: Situating Trans Reforms in Canada's History of Women-Centered Correctional Transformations.

William Hebert

Chapter thirteen, media Narratives Regarding the Accommodation of Trans Prisoners in Canadian Prisons.

Carla Cesaroni, Victoria Ginsley

Chapter fourteen, Transgender Perspectives on the Scottish Justice System: On the Subject of the Legal Subject.

Beth Cairns

Chapter fifteen, transgender Rights in African Confinement: an analysis of recent jurisprudence in Southern Africa.

Rui Garrido, Xaman Minillo

Chapter sixteen, Is dignity an option? The situation of transgender persons in Swiss prisons

Jean-Sebastien Blanc

Chapter seventeen, transgender people in prison in England and Wales: policy and practice in a culture of penal populism.

Caroline Gorden, Caroline Hughes

Chapter eighteen, Prioritising the rights of incarcerated trans and gender diverse people: a case study of a community-led revision of an Australian prison policy.

Paul L. Simpson, Zahra Stardust, Lucky Dodd, Teddy Cook, Mindy Sotiri, Kaz Zinnetti, Tait Sanders, Annette Broemdal, Danika Hardiman

Chapter nineteen bodies, desires and pleasures: resistance of trans women imprisoned in a male prison in Mexico City

Chloe Constant
transgender;criminal justice;Carceral Systems;criminal justice services;transgender crime;queer crime;LGBTQIA crime;LGBTQ crime