Norwegian Prison System

Norwegian Prison System

Halden Prison and Beyond

Hanssen, Nina; Hoidal, Are

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Trond enters Halden Prison

Chapter 2. The Scandinavian model

Chapter 3. The missing link?

Chapter 4. What is punishment?

Chapter 5. Dynamic security, contact officers and the principle of normality

Chapter 6. Quality education for prison officer

Chapter 7. Who are the prisoners?

Chapter 8. Recidivism rate - pick a number?

Chapter 9. The history of the Norwegian correctional system

Chapter 10. Halden prison: punishment that works - change that lasts!

Chapter 11. Trond gets a wake-up call in Halden Prison

Chapter 12. Violent extremism, terrorism and radicalization in the prisons

Chapter 13. The challenge of mentally ill and the use of isolation in prison - criticism of Norwegian practice

Chapter 14. Women in Norwegian prisons

Chapter 15. Trond leaves the prison for the last time

Chapter 16. Release to freedom - Mind the gap

Chapter 17. Little Scandinavia and other international collaboration

Chapter 18. A peek into the future

Closing remarks
Prison;Prison models;Penology;Punishment;Norwegian Correctional Services;Norway;Scandinavia;Halden Prison;Dynamic security;Rehabilitation;Norwegian Prison System;Norwegian Prison;Correctional Services;Follow;Convicts;Prison Officer;Oslo Prison;UN;Harald;Nav;Hold;Electronic Monitoring;Einar Gerhardsen;Violating;Capital Of Norway;KDI;Ankle Bracelet;Norway Today;Young Men;Parliamentary Ombudsman;Substance Abuse Unit;Nelson Mandela;NOK