Experimental Turn in the Moroccan Novel, 1976-1989

Experimental Turn in the Moroccan Novel, 1976-1989

El Younssi, Anouar

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Introduction: Mapping al-Tajrib in the Moroccan and Arabic Novel

Chapter 1: The New Novel in Morocco and the Arab World and the Question of Reception

Chapter 2: Al-Tajrib (Experimentation), al-Turath (Heritage), and The New Moroccan Novel: Between Innovation and Imitation

Chapter 3: A?mad al-Madini's Zaman bayna al-Wiladah wa al-?ulm: Writing the Self and Flouting Systems of Authority

Chapter 4: Mu?ammad Barradah's The Game of Forgetting: Experimental Multiplicity, Ludic Memory, and Sexual Politics

Chapter 5: ?Abdullah al-?Arwi's ?Awraq Sirat Idris al-Dhihniyyah: The Politics of Form as an Allegory for the State of Crisis


Al-Tajrib;Al-Turath;A?mad al-Madini;Zaman bayna al-Wiladah wa al-?ulm;Mu?ammad Barradah;The Game of Forgetting;Abdullah al-?Arwi;Awraq: Sirat Idris al-Dhihniyyah;Arabic;MENA;Middle East and North Africa;Experimentalism;Maghrebi literature;Maghreb;Rabat;Arab;Avant-Garde;Modernity;Modernism;Fragmentation;Narrative multiplicity