Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0

Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0

22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2021, Saint-Etienne, France, November 22-24, 2021, Proceedings

Afsarmanesh, Hamideh; Camarinha-Matos, Luis M.; Boucher, Xavier

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Sustainable Collaborative Networks.- Brief Overview of Collaborative Approaches in Sustainable Manufacturing.- A Systematic Review of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Food Industry.- Getting Collaborative Networks Sustainable: Drivers and Barriers Within a Digital Laboratories Network.- Sustainability via Digitalization.- Towards a Sustainable Collaborative Distribution Network 4.0 with Blockchain Involvement.- Using Fuzzy-based Approaches on Partner's Selection to Promote Sustainability on Collaborative Networks.- Product-Service Systems Delivered by SMEs During Building Use Stage: Sustainability Criteria Framework.- Analysis and Assessment of Business Ecosystems.- Exploring Performance Assessment Scenarios in Collaborative Business Ecosystems.- Platform-Based Business Ecosystems - A Framework for Description and Analysis.- Organizational Maturity Assessment Model for Collaborative Networks.- Human Factors in Collaboration 4.0.- Antecedentsof Constructive Human-AI Collaboration: An Exploration of Human Actors' Key Competencies.- Collaborative Plan to Reduce Inequalities among the Farms through Optimization.- Working beside Robots: A Glimpse into the Future.- Maintenance and Life-Cycle Management.- Supporting Predictive Maintenance in Virtual Factory.- Reconfigurable Supply Chain Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis.- A MILP Model for Reusable Containers Management in Automotive Plastic Components Supply Chain.- End-of-Life Product Recovery Optimization of Disassembled Parts based on Collaborative Decision-making.- Policies and New Digital Services.- Analysis Model to Identify the Regional "Strategic Bets" of Startup Porto's Network.- Behavior Data Collection in Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments.- Collaborative Trusted Digital Services for Citizens.- Safety and Collaboration Management.- Collaborative Safety Requirements Engineering: An Approach for Modelling and Assessment of Nuclear SafetyRequirements in MBSE Context.- A Model to Manage Organizational Collaborative Networks in a Pandemic (Covid-19) Context.- Measuring Complexity for Collaborative Business Processes Management.- Simulation and Optimization.- Research on Configuration Framework of Simulation Rules Based on Existing Simulation Teaching Platform.- A Federated Simulation Framework for Cross-Organisational Processes.- Robust Optimization for Collaborative Distribution Network Design Problem.- Simulating Impact of Smart Product-Service Systems.- Complex Collaborative Systems and Ontologies.- Compliance Checking of Collaborative Processes for Sustainable Collaborative Network.- Identification of Service Platform Requirements from Value Propositions: A Service Systems Engineering Method.- A Modular Ontology Framework for Building Renovation Domain.- Value Co-creation in Digitally Enabled Ecosystems.- Value Co-creation in the Context of Digitally-enabled Product-Service Systems.- Selling theValue of Complex Data-based Solution for Industrial Customers.- The Use of Goal Modelling for the Analysis of Value Co-Creation in Collaborative Networks.- Towards Sustainable Manufacturing through Collaborative Circular Economy Strategies.- Collaborative Networks in Person-related Services - Designing Humane and Efficient Interaction Processes in Childcare.- Physical Prototypes to Foster Value Co-creation in Product-service Systems Conceptual Design: A Case Study in Construction Equipment.- Digitalization Strategy in Collaborative Enterprises' Networks.- Open and Collaborative Micro Services in Digital Transformation.- Collaboration through Digital Integration - An Overview of IT-OT-Integration Use-Cases and Requirements.- A Collaborative Cyber-Physical Microservices Platform - The SITL-IoT Case.- Pathways and Tools for DIHs.- Experimentation of Cross-Border Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) Cooperation and Impact on SME Services.- Problematizing the Service Portfolio of Digital Innovation Hubs.- Digital Innovation Hubs: One Business Model Fits All?.- Business Intelligence & Innovation: A Digital Innovation Hub as Intermediate for Service Interaction and System Innovation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.- The D-BEST based Digital Innovation Hub Customer Journeys Analysis Method: A Pilot Case.- A Framework to Strengthen Collaboration between Universities and Industrial-related Entities towards Boosting Industry 4.0 Adoption and Development.- Socio-technical Perspectives on Smart Product-Service Systems.- Product-Service System for the Pharmaceutical Industry.- Smart Product Service System: Process Value Model in the Framework 3DCE.- Digital Platforms as Enablers of Smart Product-Service Systems.- Knowledge Transfer and Accelerated Innovation in FoF.- Implementation of IoT Platform's Dashboards for the Visualisation of Dynamic KPIs: Insights from a Case Study.- BEDe: A Modelling Tool for Business Ecosystems Design with ADOxx.- Successful Knowledge Transfer - A Boost for Regional Innovation.- Interoperability of IoT and CPS for Industrial CNs.- Sustainable Peatland Management with IoT and Data Analytics.- Business Analytics in Production Management - Challenges and Opportunities using Real-World Case Experience.- Industrial Collaborative Robotics Platform.- DSRC or LTE? Selecting the Best Medium for V2I Communication using Game Theory.- Sentient Immersive Response Network.- Toward Resilient and Efficient Maintenance Planning for Water Supply Networks.- Atomic Supply Chain Modelling for Risk Management based on SCOR.- Towards a Collaborative and Open Supply Chain Management Operating Services Platform.- Digital Tools and Applications for Collaborative Healthcare.- Fostering the Collaboration among Healthcare Stakeholders with ICF in Clinical Practice: EasyICF.- Collaborative Design Approach for the Development of an Ontology-based Decision Support System in Health Tourism.- Analyzing Hospital Sterilization Service Vulnerabilities Using a Risk-aware Business Process Modeling Method.- Designing a Collaborative Personal Assistance Model for Persons with Disabilities: The Portuguese Independent Living Case.- Collaborative Networks and Open Innovation in Education 4.0.- Diagnostic Instrument of the Level of Competencies in Cloud Computing for Teachers in Education 4.0.- "Speed-dating" as a Learning Method in Online Synchronous Classes.- A Gamified HMI as a Response for Implementing a Smart-Sustainable University Campus.- Education 4.0 Reference Framework for the Design of Teaching-Learning Systems: Two Case Studies Involving Collaborative Networks and Open Innovation.- A Framework for Education 4.0 in Digital Education Ecosystems.- Collaborative Decision-Making Model of Green Supply Chain: Cloud-Based Metaheuristics.- Collaborative Learning Networks with Industry and Academia.- Education 4.0 and the Smart Manufacturing Paradigm: A Conceptual Gateway for LearningFactories.- Innovative Learning Scheme to Up-skilling and Re-skilling - Designing a Collaborative Training Program between Industry and Academia towards Digital Transformation.- Complementarity of European RIS Territories Towards Manufacturing Educational Products.- Industrial Workshop.- Exploring the Best Practices for Co-innovation in Industry and Academy Collaboration - Four Practical Case Examples.- Simulation Model for a Semi-automated Retail Order Picking System under Uncertainty.- Sustainable Horizontal Collaboration: A Case Study in Moroccan Dry Foods Distribution.- Extending Value in Legacy Production Systems: Insights from the Liquid Food Processing.- Advancing Circular Economy: Research Roadmap for Circular Integrated Production Systems.
artificial intelligence;collaborative activities;collaborative learning;collaborative networks;e-learning;electronic commerce;groupware;hci;human engineering;human-computer interaction;industry 4.0;information technology;interactive computer systems;internet;network architecture;network protocols;software engineering;sustainability;telecommunication systems;user interfaces