Smart Energy for Smart Transport
Smart Energy for Smart Transport
Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility, CSUM2022, August 31-September 2, 2022, Skiathos Island, Greece
Gavanas, Nikolaos; Adamos, Giannis; Nathanail, Eftihia G.
Springer International Publishing AG
15 a 20 dias
Greece.- Autonomous vehicles: Impact on human life - a statistic and descriptive overview of research results, using the Delphi method.- Big data analytics for analyzing consumer preferences and satisfaction in public transportation.- Citizen and stakeholder engagement in the development and deployment of automated mobility services, as exemplified in the SHOW project.- Transportation systems of Asia: Investigating the preferences for their implementation in Greece with the use of the Maximum Difference (MaxDiff) scaling method.- Digital infrastructure service role and functional model for urban ITS service applications.- Innovative technologies and systems for urban mobility: The case of Padua.- Using C-ITS for shockwave damping and preventing on highways.- Relationship and differences between entrepreneurship and research in the crowdmapping project for crowdsourced urban data.- Repurposing open traffic data for estimating the mobility performance.- Evaluating the quality of public spaces using crowdsourcing data: The case of the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki.- Application of smart windows equipped with radiant internal curtains to improve thermal comfort in urban transport vehicles.- Urban transport vehicles equipped with HVAC systems based in ceiling-mounted air distribution systems.- Automared vehicles' effects on urban traffic flow parameters.- The impact of CNG on buses fleet decarbonization.- A study on the use of autonomous vehicles for the interconnection of urban transport interchanges.- Optimization-based comparison of rebalanced docked and dockless micromobility systems.- Quantifying the charging flexibility of electric vehicles; an improved approach with realistic travel patterns.- How rightsized shared autonomous electric vehicles could slash CO2 emissions and resource use while making cities more livable and transport more enjoyable.- A stated adaptation approach to assess mode change behavior of car drivers in presence of Park and Ride facilities.- Estimating availability effects in travel mode choice among e-bikes and other sustainable mobility services: Results of a stated portfolio choice experiment.- Role of service uncertainty in decision to use demand responsive transport services: A stated adaptation choice experiment.- How is the redesign of public space for active mobility and healthy neighborhoods perceived and accepted? Experiences from a temporary real-world experiment in Berlin.- Emergent bicycle infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic; The Karamanli Avenue pop-up cycle lane in Thessaloniki, Greece.- Pedestrian movement and the built environment - A bigdata-based analysis.- Walkability evaluation: the case studies of Veroia and Igoumenitsa, Greece.- Evaluation of temporary mobility measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece.- Anthropocentric design of sidewalks with the use of conjoint analysis.- Context-aware bicycle route planning.- Promoting public and active transport based intermodal mobility; The Adriatic - Ionian experience.- Social media and urban mobility choices: How a transport-related content could be influential in social media.- Smart and resilient urban mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case of a southern European medium-sized city.- Supporting behavioural change towards cycling through cycle safety interventions for children.- Policies to promote and uptake soft mobility in the Mediterranean.- Active mobility versus motorized transport of high school students in Orestiada municipality of Greece.- Modal shift towards active transport during the Covid-19 restrictions: Can we maintain this trend?.- Evaluating route choice characteristics of e-scooters.- What is leading the choice between motorized and non-motorized transport modes? The case of Porto metropolitan area.- A joint methodological approach for interpreting school mobility patterns and decisions.- Mobility patterns inthe campus of the University of Patras.- The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on active mobility - Belgrade example.- Understanding group social ties and their impact on travel behaviour.- An evaluation of agent-based models for simulating e-scooter sharing services in urban areas.- Reinforcing competitiveness of transport SMEs in West Midlands region, UK.- Feelings of insecurity, obstacles and conflicts: Issues blind people have with e-scooters in public space and potential improvements.- Involving passengers in creating inclusive digital mobility solutions - findings from the INDIMO project.- Multimodal route planning for blind and visually impaired people.- Insularity, accessibility, and affordability of transport in Greek islands.- Is shared mobility equally accessible to all? An income analysis of service adoption.- Transit fare equity: Understanding the factors affecting different groups of users' payment methods.- Co-designing transport solutions towards an inclusive public transport in the city of Bologna.- Conceptual architecture for an inclusive and real-time solution for parking assistance.- User acceptance of automated shuttle buses - results of a passenger survey in Stolberg.- Public transport versus demand responsive transport services in (extremely) low demand areas: The case of the Sicilian hinterland.- A network analysis model to measure the accessibility of public spaces.- An investigation of distraction factors on road safety.- Optimization of a prospective carpooling service in the regional unit of Thessaloniki with the use of conjoint analysis and market simulation.- Micromobility and micromobility status quo in Greece.- An emerging and innovation transport solution: Towards transforming parking lot to urban consolidation centre: Madrid living lab.- How digital services implementation along international supply chains influences the performance of logistics operations? A bottom-up approach for impact validation and categorization.- Efficient Management of operations in Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax terminals using a cloud-based yard management platform.- The use of drones in city logistics - A case study application.- Towards an integrated framework for smart goods distribution in a middle-sized city.- Crowd shipping for urban logistics: Investigating the factors affecting consumer adoption in Hanoi, Vietnam.- Assessing the evolution of urban planning and last mile delivery in the era of e-commerce.- Is it necessary to calculate passenger car equivalent value for commercial vehicles in urban areas?.- Appropriate key performance indicators for evaluating integrated passenger-freight transport.- The main problems of theroad freight transport sector in Greece.- EN.I.R.I.S.S.T Road freight transport service: An impact oriented policy advice tool.- Anticipation of new and emerging trends for sustainable last-mile urban distribution.- The importance of logistics performance for mitigating transportation-caused pollution.- Optimizing the route and location planning for cargo bikes and mobile parcel stations.- Evaluation of station distribution strategies for next-generation bike-sharing system.- Data-driven approach for defining demand scenarios for shared autonomous cargo-bike fleets.- Determining the demand for loading / unloading zones in urban areas.- Diversification of the bicycle market and consequences for urban infrastructure.- Collaborative distribution solutions in last mile logistics.- Investigating taxi driver behavioral aspects: Evidence from Athens, Greece.- Water management solutions to decrease both water and CO2 consumption in Europe.- Sustainable public transport in Petro?ani Basin, Romania - Current status and development perspectives.- The impact of weather on daily ridership of the urban rail transportation system.- Estimating the environmental footprint of the O.A.S.A Group.- A hybrid MCDA methodology to evaluate ferry fleet assignment to routes in the Greek islands.- Sustainable, smart and safe mobility at the core of sustainable tourism in six European islands.- Evaluating road network hierarchy planning suggestions in SUMPs. Evidence from 7 Greek cities.- AURORA - Creating space for urban air mobility in our cities.- Moving towards safe and sustainable mobility: The development of a roaD accidEnts informAtion centeR for Greece (DEAR).- A portable device for supporting autonomous and healthy urban ageing: the PROLONG system.- Asset management: Rules for enhancing resilience.- Impact of Covid-19 on urban traffic patterns.- Definition of a variable speed limit system for the northern access to the city of Barcelona.- Regenerating Athens city centre to a low pollution and restricted vehicle traffic zone.- Analysis and evaluation of mobility solutions and targeted interventions to support the urban regeneration of the Canal Port of Rimini.- Urban air mobility integration to urban planning.- How to monitor and assess sustainable urban mobility? An application of sustainable urban mobility indicators in four Greek municipalities.- Revision of the Budapest mobility plan, and the alignment of urban and transport strategies in Budapest.- An FCM approach to achieve near zero-CO2 urban mobility: The case of Larissa, Greece.- Analyzing pollutant concentrations by wind direction in two main Greek urban centers.- INVESTL2 ontology: Semantic modeling of sustainable living labs.- Evaluation of the current state and trends for the sustainable development of the AGRIFOOD sector of the south central region of Bulgaria.- Information communication technologies and disaster risk management: Systematic literature review.- Innovative Bio-based circular economy schemes: The case of biomass and food waste utilization as an enabler of regional resilience.- Relevant research and development competences - Case INVEST4EXCELLENCE.- Optimizing urban resilience via FCM and participatory modeling: The case of Joensuu Finland.
Greece.- Autonomous vehicles: Impact on human life - a statistic and descriptive overview of research results, using the Delphi method.- Big data analytics for analyzing consumer preferences and satisfaction in public transportation.- Citizen and stakeholder engagement in the development and deployment of automated mobility services, as exemplified in the SHOW project.- Transportation systems of Asia: Investigating the preferences for their implementation in Greece with the use of the Maximum Difference (MaxDiff) scaling method.- Digital infrastructure service role and functional model for urban ITS service applications.- Innovative technologies and systems for urban mobility: The case of Padua.- Using C-ITS for shockwave damping and preventing on highways.- Relationship and differences between entrepreneurship and research in the crowdmapping project for crowdsourced urban data.- Repurposing open traffic data for estimating the mobility performance.- Evaluating the quality of public spaces using crowdsourcing data: The case of the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki.- Application of smart windows equipped with radiant internal curtains to improve thermal comfort in urban transport vehicles.- Urban transport vehicles equipped with HVAC systems based in ceiling-mounted air distribution systems.- Automared vehicles' effects on urban traffic flow parameters.- The impact of CNG on buses fleet decarbonization.- A study on the use of autonomous vehicles for the interconnection of urban transport interchanges.- Optimization-based comparison of rebalanced docked and dockless micromobility systems.- Quantifying the charging flexibility of electric vehicles; an improved approach with realistic travel patterns.- How rightsized shared autonomous electric vehicles could slash CO2 emissions and resource use while making cities more livable and transport more enjoyable.- A stated adaptation approach to assess mode change behavior of car drivers in presence of Park and Ride facilities.- Estimating availability effects in travel mode choice among e-bikes and other sustainable mobility services: Results of a stated portfolio choice experiment.- Role of service uncertainty in decision to use demand responsive transport services: A stated adaptation choice experiment.- How is the redesign of public space for active mobility and healthy neighborhoods perceived and accepted? Experiences from a temporary real-world experiment in Berlin.- Emergent bicycle infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic; The Karamanli Avenue pop-up cycle lane in Thessaloniki, Greece.- Pedestrian movement and the built environment - A bigdata-based analysis.- Walkability evaluation: the case studies of Veroia and Igoumenitsa, Greece.- Evaluation of temporary mobility measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece.- Anthropocentric design of sidewalks with the use of conjoint analysis.- Context-aware bicycle route planning.- Promoting public and active transport based intermodal mobility; The Adriatic - Ionian experience.- Social media and urban mobility choices: How a transport-related content could be influential in social media.- Smart and resilient urban mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case of a southern European medium-sized city.- Supporting behavioural change towards cycling through cycle safety interventions for children.- Policies to promote and uptake soft mobility in the Mediterranean.- Active mobility versus motorized transport of high school students in Orestiada municipality of Greece.- Modal shift towards active transport during the Covid-19 restrictions: Can we maintain this trend?.- Evaluating route choice characteristics of e-scooters.- What is leading the choice between motorized and non-motorized transport modes? The case of Porto metropolitan area.- A joint methodological approach for interpreting school mobility patterns and decisions.- Mobility patterns inthe campus of the University of Patras.- The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on active mobility - Belgrade example.- Understanding group social ties and their impact on travel behaviour.- An evaluation of agent-based models for simulating e-scooter sharing services in urban areas.- Reinforcing competitiveness of transport SMEs in West Midlands region, UK.- Feelings of insecurity, obstacles and conflicts: Issues blind people have with e-scooters in public space and potential improvements.- Involving passengers in creating inclusive digital mobility solutions - findings from the INDIMO project.- Multimodal route planning for blind and visually impaired people.- Insularity, accessibility, and affordability of transport in Greek islands.- Is shared mobility equally accessible to all? An income analysis of service adoption.- Transit fare equity: Understanding the factors affecting different groups of users' payment methods.- Co-designing transport solutions towards an inclusive public transport in the city of Bologna.- Conceptual architecture for an inclusive and real-time solution for parking assistance.- User acceptance of automated shuttle buses - results of a passenger survey in Stolberg.- Public transport versus demand responsive transport services in (extremely) low demand areas: The case of the Sicilian hinterland.- A network analysis model to measure the accessibility of public spaces.- An investigation of distraction factors on road safety.- Optimization of a prospective carpooling service in the regional unit of Thessaloniki with the use of conjoint analysis and market simulation.- Micromobility and micromobility status quo in Greece.- An emerging and innovation transport solution: Towards transforming parking lot to urban consolidation centre: Madrid living lab.- How digital services implementation along international supply chains influences the performance of logistics operations? A bottom-up approach for impact validation and categorization.- Efficient Management of operations in Ro-Ro/Ro-Pax terminals using a cloud-based yard management platform.- The use of drones in city logistics - A case study application.- Towards an integrated framework for smart goods distribution in a middle-sized city.- Crowd shipping for urban logistics: Investigating the factors affecting consumer adoption in Hanoi, Vietnam.- Assessing the evolution of urban planning and last mile delivery in the era of e-commerce.- Is it necessary to calculate passenger car equivalent value for commercial vehicles in urban areas?.- Appropriate key performance indicators for evaluating integrated passenger-freight transport.- The main problems of theroad freight transport sector in Greece.- EN.I.R.I.S.S.T Road freight transport service: An impact oriented policy advice tool.- Anticipation of new and emerging trends for sustainable last-mile urban distribution.- The importance of logistics performance for mitigating transportation-caused pollution.- Optimizing the route and location planning for cargo bikes and mobile parcel stations.- Evaluation of station distribution strategies for next-generation bike-sharing system.- Data-driven approach for defining demand scenarios for shared autonomous cargo-bike fleets.- Determining the demand for loading / unloading zones in urban areas.- Diversification of the bicycle market and consequences for urban infrastructure.- Collaborative distribution solutions in last mile logistics.- Investigating taxi driver behavioral aspects: Evidence from Athens, Greece.- Water management solutions to decrease both water and CO2 consumption in Europe.- Sustainable public transport in Petro?ani Basin, Romania - Current status and development perspectives.- The impact of weather on daily ridership of the urban rail transportation system.- Estimating the environmental footprint of the O.A.S.A Group.- A hybrid MCDA methodology to evaluate ferry fleet assignment to routes in the Greek islands.- Sustainable, smart and safe mobility at the core of sustainable tourism in six European islands.- Evaluating road network hierarchy planning suggestions in SUMPs. Evidence from 7 Greek cities.- AURORA - Creating space for urban air mobility in our cities.- Moving towards safe and sustainable mobility: The development of a roaD accidEnts informAtion centeR for Greece (DEAR).- A portable device for supporting autonomous and healthy urban ageing: the PROLONG system.- Asset management: Rules for enhancing resilience.- Impact of Covid-19 on urban traffic patterns.- Definition of a variable speed limit system for the northern access to the city of Barcelona.- Regenerating Athens city centre to a low pollution and restricted vehicle traffic zone.- Analysis and evaluation of mobility solutions and targeted interventions to support the urban regeneration of the Canal Port of Rimini.- Urban air mobility integration to urban planning.- How to monitor and assess sustainable urban mobility? An application of sustainable urban mobility indicators in four Greek municipalities.- Revision of the Budapest mobility plan, and the alignment of urban and transport strategies in Budapest.- An FCM approach to achieve near zero-CO2 urban mobility: The case of Larissa, Greece.- Analyzing pollutant concentrations by wind direction in two main Greek urban centers.- INVESTL2 ontology: Semantic modeling of sustainable living labs.- Evaluation of the current state and trends for the sustainable development of the AGRIFOOD sector of the south central region of Bulgaria.- Information communication technologies and disaster risk management: Systematic literature review.- Innovative Bio-based circular economy schemes: The case of biomass and food waste utilization as an enabler of regional resilience.- Relevant research and development competences - Case INVEST4EXCELLENCE.- Optimizing urban resilience via FCM and participatory modeling: The case of Joensuu Finland.