Queer Sharing in the Marketized University

Queer Sharing in the Marketized University

Brim, Matt; Mahn, Churnjeet; Taylor, Yvette

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Part 1: Cooperating and caring within and against the marketized university

1. In search of the cracks in the system: Feminist and queer scholarship in education and the marketized university in Spain

2. Queering the binary: The politics of the pre/post-1992 division in UK higher education

3. Co-operation not competition: On the queer potential of co-operative higher education

4. Collective study and the possibilities of becoming: Between a feminist space in Yerevan and the US university

Part 2: Redistributing queer inclusion in the raced and classed academy

5. Exploiting shared queer knowledge

6. WAGES AGAINST INCLUSION! FULL INCLUSION NOW! Towards a queer manifesto against LGBT+ inclusion in universities

7. Redistributing the light: From socio-scenography to company-and the formation of 125th & Midnight

8. Wanting more from OER: Enacting a queer of color commitment to open

Part 3: Confronting the shared silences of queer institutional spaces

9. Little strokes fell great oaks: Silences, meaning-making, and LGBTIQ+ forced displacement

10. Mentorship phenomenology: Queer sharing, opposition, and generosity

11. A novice feminist pedagogy: Community, accessibility, and lessons from online learning during COVID-19

12. More than rainbows: Creating and reframing queer spaces on college campuses
queer studies;marketization;neoliberalism;sharing;queer theory;class;university