On Sacks

On Sacks

Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations

Housley, William; Fitzgerald, Richard; Smith, Robin James

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations 2. Discovering Sacks 3. Action, Meaning and Understanding: Seeing Sociologically with Harvey Sacks 4. Sacks' Plenum: The Inscription of Social Orders 5. From Ethnosemantics to Occasioned Semantics: The Transformative Influence of Harvey Sacks 6. Sacks, Categories, Language, and Gender 7. A Most Remarkable Fact, for All Intents and Purposes: The Practical Matter of Categorical Truths 8. Sacks: On Omni-relevance and the Layered Texture of Interaction 9. Membership Categorization and the Sequential Multimodal Organisation of Action: Walking, Perceiving, and Talking in Material-spatial Ecologies 10. Revisiting Sacks's Work on Greetings: the "First Position" for Greetings 11. Sacks, Silence, and Self-(de)selection 12. Using Observation as a Basis for Theorising: Children's Interactions and Social Order 13. Membership Categorisation and the Notion of "Omni-relevance" in Everyday Family Interactions 14. Sacks and the Study of the Local Organisation of Second Language Lessons 15. Categorisation Practices, Place, and Perception: Doing Incongruities and the Commonplace Scene as 'Assembled Activity' 16. On Sacks and the Analysis of Racial Categories-in-Action 17. Harvey Sacks, Membership Categorisation, and Social Media
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Sacks's Work;Membership Categorization Analysis;On Sacks;Membership Category Devices;Sacks;Harvey Sacks;Robin Smith;Sacks's Ideas;Richard Fitzgerald;Wo;William Housley;Follow;Category Membership;archive;Gestalt Contextures;lectures;Conversation Analysis;ethnomethodology;Young Men;Violate;methodology;Hm;themes;Hold;discursive psychology;Everyday Practices;membership categorisation analysis;Sacks's Approach;inspiration;Categorisation Practices;materials;Turn Constructional Units;data;Ethnographic Edge;lived experience;Sequential Implicativeness;relevance;Group Therapy Session;sociology;Developmental Scheme;pyschology;Everyday Parent Child Interactions;digital communication;Standardized Relational Pairs;social science;Introduction Sequence;interaction;Harvey Sacks's approach;Sociological inquiry;Sacks's legacy