Medieval Philosophical Writings on the Powers of the Soul

Medieval Philosophical Writings on the Powers of the Soul

From Aquinas to Ockham

Friedman, Russell L.; Loewe, Can Laurens

Cambridge University Press





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1. Bonaventure (d. 1274), Commentary on the Sentences, book II, d. 24, a. 2, q. 1: Do Intellect and Affection, or Reason and Will, Differ Essentially?; 2. Albert the Great (d. 1280), Summa theologiae, book 1, treatise 3, q. 15, chap. 2, a. 2, c. 1: How Do the Parts of the Image Relate to the Soul's Essence?; 3. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274), Commentary on the Sentences, book I, d. 3, q. 4, a. 2: Are the Soul's Powers Its Essence?; 4. Henry of Ghent (d. 1293), Quodlibet III, q. 14 (excerpts): Is the Soul's Substance the Same as Its Power?; 5. Godfrey of Fontaines (d. ca. 1306), Quodlibet II, q. 4: Can a Created Substance Be the Immediate Principle of an Operation?; 6. Thomas of Sutton (d. ca. 1315), Ordinary Questions, q. 4 (excerpts): Do the Soul's Powers Differ as Absolute Things from the Soul's Essence?; 7. Peter of John Olivi (d. 1298), Questions on the Sentences, book II, q. 54 (excerpts): Are the Soul's Powers Totally the Same as Their Substance and as Each Other, Totally Diverse, or Partially the Same and Partially Diverse?; 8. John Duns Scotus (d. 1308), Commentary on the Sentences (Reportatio A), book II, d. 16: Does the Image of the Trinity in the Rational Soul Consist of Three Really Distinct Powers?; 9. James of Viterbo (d. 1308), Quodlibet I, q. 7, doubt 1: Does the Will Move of Its Own Accord?; 10. Durand of St.-Pourcain (d. 1334), Commentary on the Sentences (Third Version), book I, d. 3, part 2, q. 2: Are the Soul's Powers the Same as Its Essence?; 11. William Ockham (d. 1347), Commentary on the Sentences (Reportatio), book II, q. 20: Are Memory, Intellect, and Will Really Distinct Powers?.
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