Magic and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Magic and Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Studies in Honor of Christopher A. Faraone

Edmonds III, Radcliffe G.; Lopez-Ruiz, Carolina; Torallas-Tovar, Sofia

Taylor & Francis Ltd





15 a 20 dias

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Prologue - A Kind of Magic: A Tribute to Christopher Faraone - Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, Carolina Lopez-Ruiz, and Sofia Torallas Tovar; Section I Materials; 1. Mustering Knowledge in the Longer Greco-Egyptian Formularies - Richard Gordon; 2. The Composition of GEMF 31/PGM I and Its Sources - Sofia Torallas Tovar; 3. He Means 'Rose': Marginal Notes in the Greek Papyri of the Theban Magical Library - Korshi Dosoo; 4. The Magic Hour: Cultures of Timekeeping in GEMF 57/PGM IV - Kassandra Miller; 5. Practice your Spells When It Suits You Best. The "Cycles of the Moon" Transmitted in GEMF 74/PGM VII and GEMF 55 /PGM III - Raquel Martin Hernandez; 6. Stars and Stones: Practice, Materiality, and Ontology in Astrological Rites - Ian S. Moyer; 7. The Limits of Textuality in Artemidor?s' Oneirocritica - Kenneth W. Yu; 8. Magical Magnets? Mastering the Winds on a North Aegean Island - Sandra Blakely; 9. Fencing in the Drivers and the Chariot Horses in a Latin Defixio from Hadrumetum (DT 277 + 278) - Celia Sanchez Natalias; Section II Cross-Cultural Contexts;10. The Problem of the Magi - Bruce Lincoln; 11. Magicians and Mendicants: New Light from the Marmarini Inscription - Radcliffe G. Edmonds III; 12. Egyptian Herakles and Syrian Aphrodite?: Phoenician Art and Cultural Exchange in the Ancient Mediterranean - Carolina Lopez-Ruiz; 13. Uncovering an Earlier Version of the Demeter-Persephone Story: The Anatolian Background of Hekate's Appearance in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter - Mary R. Bachvarova; 14. A Bronze Medallion in Madrid: Cross-Cultural and Material Transmission of an Amuletic Tradition from Syria to Sicily - Roy D. Kotansky; 15. "Bind Them as a Sign on Your Hand": Amulets and Tefillin in Rabbinic Texts - Megan S. Nutzman; 16. A Misplaced Mummy: Thelxinoe's Corpse in Xenophon's Ephesiaka - Janet Downie; Epilogue - A Kind of Magic: The Work and Legacy of Christopher Faraone - Clifford Ando.
Ancient magic;Ancient religion;Greco-Roman magic;Greco-Roman religion;Egyptian magic;Egyptian religion;Ancient Near Eastern religion;Ancient Near Eastern magic;Ancient magical practices;Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri;Papyri;Ancient mythology