Localising Memory in Transitional Justice

Localising Memory in Transitional Justice

The Dynamics and Informal Practices of Memorialisation after Mass Violence and Dictatorship

Viebach, Julia; Parmentier, Stephan; Rauschenbach, Mina

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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General introduction

Mina Rauschenbach, Julia Viebach and Stephan Parmentier

PART I Memory and transitional justice

International memory entrepreneurs' prescriptions for the remembrance of the Srebrenica genocide: What implications for local understandings of collective victimhood?

Mina Rauschenbach

Transitional justice principles versus survivors' experience: Conflicting interpretations in Kosovo case study involving missing persons and their memorialisation

Melanie Klinkner and Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers

PART II Memory dynamics in transitional justice

The micro-politics of remembering "the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi" in Rwanda: On the anonymous dead in Karongi district, western Rwanda

Erin Jessee

Bottom-up and thought-provoking sites of memory

Anita Ferrara

Informal commemoration in post-war Burundi: Exploring the usefulness and the limits of the concept

Andrea Purdekova

The struggle to remember: Rhodes Must Fall in South Africa

Ingrid Samset

PART III Localised memory in transitional justice

Place-bound proximity at Rwanda's genocide memorials: On coming home to the dead and the affective force of their remains

Julia Viebach

Missing people and missing stories in the aftermath of genocide: Reclaiming local memories at the places of suffering

Hariz Halilovich

Music, testimony, and emotional engagement in alternative memorial ceremonies in Palestine-Israel

Luisa Gandolfo

Epilogue: Localising memory and reinventing the present

Brandon Hamber
Transitional Justice;Local Memorial;Memory Entrepreneurs;Civil Society;Republika Srpska;Srebrenica Genocide;Srebrenica Survivors;UN;Memorial Sites;International Humanitarian Law;Karongi District;Young Men;Memory Entrepreneurship;Vice Versa;Human Remains;Human Rights;Memory Work;Genocide Memorials;RS Authority;Freedom Park;RDF;Informal Commemoration;VTM;Bosnian Serb;ICTY Judgement