Latino/a Theology and the Bible
Latino/a Theology and the Bible
Ethnic-Racial Reflections on Interpretation
Lozada Jr., Francisco; Alfaro, Sammy; Pineda-Madrid, Nancy; Colon-Emeric, Edgardo; Padilla, Elaine; Gonzalez Maldonado, Michelle A.; Martell, Loida I.; Lozada Jr., Francisco; Segovia, Fernando F.; Lozano, Nora O.
Rowman & Littlefield
15 a 20 dias
Latino/a Theology and Studies: A Note
About the Contributors
Part 1. Introduction
1.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Theological Construction and
Biblical Criticism in an Ethnic-Racial Key
Fernando F. Segovia
Part 2. Latino/a Theology: Approaching the Bible
2.Reading and Hearing Scripture in the Latina/o Pentecostal Community
Sammy Alfaro
3."She orders all things suavemente": A Lascasian Interpretation
Edgardo Colon-Emeric
4.Biblical Silence: Where is the Bible in Latino/a Theology?
Michelle A. Gonzalez Maldonado
5.Is It Truly a "Good" Book? The Bible, Empowerment, and Liberation
Nora O. Lozano
6.Reading against the Grain: Scripture and Constructive Evangelica Theology
Loida I. Martell
7.Darkening the Image: Another Allegory of the Beauty of the Shulamite
Elaine Padilla
8.La Guadalupe, Bible, Pentecost
Nancy Pineda-Madrid
9.Liberation Hermeneutics in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Exegesis: A Latino/a Perspective
Ruben Rosario Rodriguez
10.Popular Ritual as Liberating Pedagogy
Christopher D. Tirres
Part 3. Conclusions
11.How Do Latino/a Theologians Employ Scripture?
Francisco Lozada, Jr.
12.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Cultural Analysis in an Ethnic-Racial Key
Fernando F. Segovia
Latino/a Theology and Studies: A Note
About the Contributors
Part 1. Introduction
1.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Theological Construction and
Biblical Criticism in an Ethnic-Racial Key
Fernando F. Segovia
Part 2. Latino/a Theology: Approaching the Bible
2.Reading and Hearing Scripture in the Latina/o Pentecostal Community
Sammy Alfaro
3."She orders all things suavemente": A Lascasian Interpretation
Edgardo Colon-Emeric
4.Biblical Silence: Where is the Bible in Latino/a Theology?
Michelle A. Gonzalez Maldonado
5.Is It Truly a "Good" Book? The Bible, Empowerment, and Liberation
Nora O. Lozano
6.Reading against the Grain: Scripture and Constructive Evangelica Theology
Loida I. Martell
7.Darkening the Image: Another Allegory of the Beauty of the Shulamite
Elaine Padilla
8.La Guadalupe, Bible, Pentecost
Nancy Pineda-Madrid
9.Liberation Hermeneutics in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Exegesis: A Latino/a Perspective
Ruben Rosario Rodriguez
10.Popular Ritual as Liberating Pedagogy
Christopher D. Tirres
Part 3. Conclusions
11.How Do Latino/a Theologians Employ Scripture?
Francisco Lozada, Jr.
12.Approaching the Bible in Latino/a Theology: Doing Cultural Analysis in an Ethnic-Racial Key
Fernando F. Segovia