Growing Up with Unemployment

Growing Up with Unemployment

A Longitudinal Study of its Psychological Impact

Winefield, Helen R.; Goldney, Robert D.; Tiggemann, Marika; Winefield, Anthony H.

Taylor & Francis Ltd





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1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Methods Used to Study the Psychological Effects of Unemployment 4. The Psychological Impact of Unemployment and Unsatisfactory Employment on Young People: Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Data 5. Coping with Unemployment 6. Theoretical Implications 7. Predictors of Employment Status and Tertiary Education 8. The Prevalence of Psychological Ill Health and Suicidal Ideation 9. Drug Use, Health and Finances According to Employment Status 10. Overview. Appendix. References. Name Index. Subject Index.
adolescence;school leavers;youth unemployment;Australia;young adults;longitudinal study;unemployment psychological aspects;1980s;youth employment;Depressive Affect;Young Man;Unemployed Group;Tertiary Students;Life Span Developmental Theory;Chronic;Follow;Causal Attributions;Negative Mood;Vitamin Model;Unemployment Duration;Deprivation Theory;Tertiary Study;Learned Helplessness Theory;Healthy Psycho Social Development;Attributional Style;Oecd Countries;Stable Attributions;Unstable Attributions;Confers;Unemployed Youngsters;Tertiary Education;YTS;Suicidal Ideation