Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs

Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs

Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges

Balasubramanian, Pooja; Srigiri, Srinivasa; Breuer, Anita; Malerba, Daniele

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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Table of Contents Chapter 1: Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs: Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges Part I: Setting the scene: the state of the art on SDG interlinkages research Chapter 2: Scientific Approaches to SDG Interactions Analyses - The State of Play Chapter 3: The role of good governance in reducing poverty and inequality: Evidence from a scoping review of interlinkages between SDGs 16, 10 and 1 Part II: Institutional pre-conditions for increasing policy coherence in the implementation for the 2030 Agenda Chapter 4: Governance mechanisms for coherent and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda: A cross-national comparison of government SDG bodies Chapter 5: A metagovernance approach to multilevel governance and vertical coordination for the SDGs Part III: Governance mechanisms to address Interlinkages, Trade-offs and Synergies: Merits and deficiencies Chapter 6: Trade-offs and SDG politics in South American agrifood governance: the risks from cherry-picking Chapter 7: Governance of the water-land-food nexus for integrated achievement of the 2030 Agenda: the case of lower Awash River basin, Ethiopia Chapter 8: Implementing the 2030 Agenda under resource scarcity - The case of WEF nexus governance in Azraq / Jordan Chapter 9: To grow or not to grow? Revisiting economic growth as a Sustainable Development Goal in light of the degrowth debate Chapter 10: Gender and Education Part IV: "Tools", policy mixes and governance mechanisms (solution oriented) Chapter 11: Modelling the interaction between climate mitigation and income inequality: the use of Integrated Assessment Models and the case of India Chapter 12: Poverty, Inequality and growth: East Asian experience Chapter 13: A decision-making tool for systems thinking in SDG implementation: Experiences from Sweden's Voluntary National Review 2021 Part V: Conclusions Chapter 14: Conclusions Index
Menstrual Cups;EU's Regional Development;SDG Implementation;Swedish National Level;Inequality Growth Relationship;Gdp Growth;WEF Nexus;Low Cost Private Schools;Public Administration;SDG Indicator;SDG Target;Full Colour Version;National SDG;Gdp Ratio;Average Income;Increase Policy Coherence;MLG.;Impact Clusters;Enter Stem Field;Gdp Projection;Optimal Climate Policy;Gdp Level;Rice Model;Social Protection Programs