From Parallel to Emergent Computing

From Parallel to Emergent Computing

Sirakoulis, Georgios Ch.; Akl, Selim; Adamatzky, Andrew

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Preface, Editor Bios

Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems

Part 1 Networks and Parallel Computing

Chapter 1 On the Importance of Parallelism for the Security of Quantum Protocols

Marius Nagy and Naya Nagy

Chapter 2 Analytical Modeling and Optimization of an Elastic Cloud Server System

Keqin Li

Chapter 3 Towards an Opportunistic Software-Defined Networking Solution

Lefteris Mamatas, Alexandra Papadopoulou, and Vassilis Tsaoussidis

Chapter 4 Structural Properties and Fault Resiliency of Interconnection Networks

Eddie Cheng, Rong-Xia Hao, Ke Qiu, and Zhizhang Shen

Part 2 Distributed Systems

Chapter 5 Dynamic State Transitions of Individuals Enhance Macroscopic Behavioral Diversity of Morphogenetic Collective Systems

Hiroki Sayama

Chapter 6 Toward Modeling Regeneration via Adaptable Echo State Networks

Jennifer Hammelman, Hava Siegelmann, Santosh Manicka, and Michael Levin

Chapter 7 From Darwinian Evolution to Swarm Computation and Gamesourcing

Ivan Zelinka, Donald Davendra, Lenka Skanderova, Tomas Vantuch, Lumir Kojecky, and Michal Bukacek

Chapter 8 A Scalable and Modular Software Architecture for Finite Elements on Hierarchical Hybrid Grids

Nils Kohl, Dominik Thoennes, Daniel Drzisga, Dominik Bartuschat, and Ulrich Ruede

Chapter 9 Minimal Discretised Agent-Based Modelling of the Dynamics of Change in Reactive Systems

Tiago G. Correale and Pedro P.B. de Oliveira

Chapter 10 Toward a Crab-Driven Cellular Automaton

Yuta Nishiyama, Masao Migita, Kenta Kaito, and Hisashi Murakami

Chapter 11 Evolving Benchmark Functions for Optimization Algorithms

Yang Lou, Shiu Yin Yuen, and Guanrong Chen

Chapter 12 Do Ant Colonies Obey the Talmud?

Andrew Schumann

Chapter 13 Biomorphs with Memory

Ramon Alonso-Sanz

Chapter 14 Constructing Iterated Exponentials in Tilings of the Euclidean and of the Hyperbolic Plane

Maurice Margenstern

Chapter 15 Swarm Intelligence for Area Surveillance Using Autonomous Robots

Tilemachos Bontzorlos, Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, and Franciszek Seredynski

Part 3 Emergent Computing

Chapter 16 Unconventional Wisdom: Superlinear Speedup and Inherently Parallel Computations

Selim G. Akl

Chapter 17 Algorithmic Information Dynamics of Emergent, Persistent, and Colliding Particles in the Game of Life

Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, and Jesper Tegner

Chapter 18 On Mathematics of Universal Computation with Generic Dynamical Systems

Vasileios Athanasiou and Zoran Konkoli

Chapter 19 Localized DNA Computation

Hieu Bui and John Reif

Chapter 20 The Graph Is the Message: Design and Analysis of an Unconventional Cryptographic Function

Selim G. Akl

Chapter 21 Computing via Self-optimising Continuum

Alexander Safonov

Chapter 22 Exploring Tehran with Excitable Medium

Andrew I. Adamatzky and Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi

Chapter 23 Feasibility of Slime-Mold-Inspired Nano-Electronic Devices

Takahide Oya

Chapter 24 A Laminar Cortical Model for 3D Boundary and Surface Representations of Complex Natural Scenes

Yongqiang Cao and Stephen Grossberg

Chapter 25 Emergence of Locomotion Gaits Through Sensory Feedback in a Quadruped Robot

Paolo Arena, Andrea Bonanzinga, and Luca Patane

Chapter 26 Towards Cytoskeleton Computers. A Proposal

Andrew I. Adamatzky, Jack Tuszynski, Joerg Pieper, Dan V. Nicolau, Rosaria Rinaldi, Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Victor Erokhin, Joerg Schnauss, and David M. Smith

Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
State Transition Rate Diagram;DE Algorithm;Emergent Computing;Cellular Automata;Reservoir Computing;User Subroutine USDFLD;Average Pairwise Distance;algorithms;Pheromone Evaporation Rate;Reservoir Network;neural networks;Unconventional Computing;computational science;Turing Machine;networks;Cumulative Probability Distribution Function;security;distributed systems;Discrete Dynamical System;Pq Parameter;Simp Method;Calcium Calmodulin Kinase Ii;Mobile Node;Energy Sources;Topology Optimisation;V2 Layer;Dynamic State Transitions;Star Graph;Hyperbolic Plane;Oblivious Transfer;Julia Sets