Encyclopedia of Finance

Encyclopedia of Finance

Lee, Cheng-Few; Lee, Alice C.

Springer Nature Switzerland AG






15 a 20 dias


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Terms and Essays.- Deposit Insurance Schemes.- Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: Creating a New Bank for a New Millennium.- Pre-funded Coupon and Zero-Coupon Bonds: Cost of Capital Analysis.- Intertemporal Risk and Currency Risk.- Credit Derivatives.- Foreign exchange risk premium and policy uncertainty.- Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities.- Asset Pricing Models.- Conditional Asset Pricing.- Conditional Performance Evaluation.- Working Capital and Cash Flow.- Evaluating Fund Performance Within the Stochastic Discount Factor Framework.- Duration Concepts, Analysis, and Applications.- Loan Contract Terms.- Chinese A and B Shares.- Decimal Trading in the U.S. Stock Markets.- The 1997 NASDAQ Trading Rules.- Reincorporation.- Mean Variance Portfolio Allocation.- Online Trading.- A Critical Evaluation of the Portfolio Performance Indices Under Rank Transformation.- Corporate Failure: Definitions, Methods, and Failure Prediction Models.- Main Bank Relationships, Debt Structure, and Innovation in Japan.- Term Structure: Interest Rate Models .- Review of REIT and MBS.- Experimental Economics and the Theory of Finance.- Merger and Acquisition: Definitions, Motives, and Market Responses.- Multistage Compound Real Options: Theory and Application.- Market Efficiency Hypothesis.- The Microstructure/Micro-Finance Approach to Exchange Rates.- Arbitrage and Market Frictions.- Fundamental Tradeoffs in the Publicly Traded Corporation.- The Mexican Peso Crisis.- Methods for Portfolio Performance Evaluation.- Call Auction Trading.- Market Liquidity.- Market Makers.- Structure of Securities Markets.- Accounting Scandals and Implications for Directors: Lessons from Enron.- Agent-Based Models of Financial Markets.- The Asian Bond Market.- Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions.- Jump Diffusion Model.- Networks, Nodes, and Priority Rules.- The Momentum Trading Strategy.- Equilibrium Credit Rationing and Monetary Nonneutrality in a Small Open Economy.- Policy Coordination Between Wages and Exchange Rates in Singapore.- The Le Chatelier Principle of the Capital Market Equilibrium.- MBS Valuation and Prepayments.- The Impacts of IMF Bailouts in International Debt Crises.- Corporate Governance: Structure and Consequences.- A Survey Article on International Banking.- Hedge Funds: Overview, Strategies, and Trends.- An Appraisal of Modeling Dimensions for Performance Appraisal of Global Mutual Funds.- Structural Credit Risk Models: Endogenous Versus Exogenous Default.- Arbitrage Opportunity Set and the Role of Corporations.- Equity Premium Puzzle: The Distributional Approach.- Understanding Ginnie Mae Reverse Mortgage H-REMICs: Its Programs and Cashflow Analysis.- An Analysis of Risk Treatment in the Field of Finance.- The Trading Performance of Dynamic Hedging Models: Time Varying Covariance and Volatility Transmission Effects.- Portfolio Insurance Strategies.- Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Tests of Asset Pricing Models.- Unified Model Arbitrage-free Term Structure of Flow Risks.-A Comparison of Formulas to Compute Implied Standard Deviation.- Securities Transaction Taxes: Literature and Key Issues.- Financial Control and Transfer Pricing.- Alternative Models for Evaluating Convertible Bond: Review and Integration.- A Rationale for Hiring Irrationally Overconfident Managers.- The Statistical Distribution Method, the Decision-Tree Method and Simulation Method for Capital Budgeting Decisions.- Valuation of Interest Tax Shields.- Usefulness of Cash Flow Statements.- Do CEO Gender and Marital Status Affect Firm's R&D and Value? An Empirical Analysis Using Nonlinear Models.- Three alternative methods for estimating hedge ratios.- Credit Risk Modeling: A General Framework.- Bankruptcy prediction studies across countries using Multiple Criteria Linear Programming (MCLP) data mining approaches.- Application of Difference-in-Differences Strategies in Finance: The Case of Natural Disasters and Bank Responses.- Financial Panel Data Models, Strict versus Contemporaneous Exogeneity, and Durbin-Wu-Hausman Specification Tests.- Accruals and the Asymmetric Timeliness of Earnings: a Decomposition Analysis.- Computer Technology for Financial Service.- Local Volatility Interest Rate Model.- Applications of logistic regression and hazard method in accounting and finance research.- Cube Root Utility Theory.- A Global Comparative Study of Impact Investments Research in Academic Institutions.- Financial Crisis, Capital Requirement and Stress Tests: Evidence from the Extreme Value and Stable Paretian Estimates.- The Economics of and Accounting for Lease Transactions.- Pension accounting, inside Debt, and capital structure.- The Role of Earnings Management in Equity Valuation.- The applications of machine learning in accounting and auditing research .- Internal capital budgeting and allocation in financial firms.- Job Security and CEO Compensation.- Tail-risk protection: Machine Learning meets modern Econometrics.- Structural Breaks in Financial Panel Data.- More on Equilibrium Credit Rationing and Interest Rates: A Theory with New Evidence.- The effect of Basel III on banks' lending.- Mortgage Analysis.- A History of Commercially Available Risk Models.- Short Selling Activity and Effects on Financial Markets and Corporate Decisions.- Simultaneous Equation Models for Financial Planning and Forecasting.- Alternative errors-in-variables models and their applications in finance research.- Optimal Payout Ratio under Uncertainty and the Flexibility Hypothesis: Theory and Empirical Evidence.- Mergers and Acquisitions: Principles and Practices.- Accrual Accounting and Risk: Abnormal Sales Growth and Accruals Quality and Returns.- Applications of Book-Tax Difference in Accounting and Finance Research.- Evaluating Portfolio Risk Management: A New Evidence from DCC Models and Wavelet Approach.- Cash Conversion Cycle and Corporate Performance: Global Evidence.- How Consistent are the Judges of Portfolio Performance?.- Entropy and the Value of Information for Investors.- A Fuzzy Real Option Valuation Approach To Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty Environment.
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Financial Management;Financial Markets and Instruments;Financial Technology;International Finance;Financial Econometrics;Portfolio Management;Capital asset pricing model (CAPM);Security Analysis;Credit Derivatives;Credit Risk;Capital Budgeting