Empowerment and Social Justice in the Wake of Disasters

Empowerment and Social Justice in the Wake of Disasters

Occupy Sandy in Rockaway after Hurricane Sandy, USA

Bondesson, Sara

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Shaking Things Loose. 2. Most Affected Least Heard. 3. Ain't no Power like the Power of the People. 4. Tales of a Peninsula Shattered and Divided. 5. Paths of Empowerment in Disaster Relief. 6. Paths of Post-Disaster (Dis-) Empowerment. 7. Saviors Trapped in Disaster (Dis-) Empowerment.
Occupy Sandy;Hurricane Sandy;FEMA;Long Term Recovery;NYC;Disaster Risk Reduction;Occupy Activist;White Savior Complex;Emergent Groups;Emancipatory Literature;Occupy Wall Street;Long Term Recovery Phase;Relief Phase;Savior Complex;Student Volunteer Army;NYC Mayor;Low Income Communities;Low Income Renters;Equal Education Opportunities;Micro-level Settings;Zeynep Gambetti;Zuccotti Park;Core Coordinators;Loma Prieta Earthquake;Empowerment Talk