Disneyization of Drug Use

Disneyization of Drug Use

Understanding Atypical Intoxication in Party Zones

Turner, Tim

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Call of the Wild: Drugs, Pleasure, and Escape

Chapter 3: Messy Methods, Dirty Knowledge

Chapter 4: Disneyized Theming: Welcome to the Pleasure Dome

Chapter 5: Disneyized Hybrid Consumption: Space, Drugs and Normalization

Chapter 6: Disneyized Branding and Merchandise: Drugs and Hierarchies of Cool

Chapter 7: Disneyized Performative Labour: Drug Use and Dealing Amongst Ibiza's Seasonal Workers

Chapter 8: The Disneyization of Drug Use: From Ibiza to Festivals

Chapter 9: Conclusion
Atypical Intoxication;Party Zones;illegal drug use;tourist resorts;music festivals;Ibiza party spaces;Disney theme parks;drug and alcohol use;EDM;Atypical Drug;Club Drugs;Performative Labour;Cultural Criminology;Hybrid Consumption;UK Festival;DJ Booth;Atypical Patterns;Ecstasy Pills;VIP Area;VIP;Sunny Beach;Night Time Economy;Bar Worker;Smart Phones;Disney Parks;Psychoactive;Clip;Sunny;VIPs;Tour;Midday