Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion

Crime, Criminal Justice and Religion

A Critical Appraisal

Murray, Conor; Birch, Philip; McInnes, Andrew

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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PART 1: Contextualising Crime, Criminal Justice & Religion

Chapter 1: Introducing Crime, Criminal Justice & Religion - A Critical Appraisal

Chapter 2: Crime & Criminal Justice - Reflecting on the influence of religion

PART 2: Appraisal of Institutions & Professional Practice

Chapter 3: Religion and Police Officers: Exploring the Impact on Police Practice

Chapter 4: Professionalisation and policing religious communities: From police recruit to police management

Chapter 5: Police legitimacy in divided societies: Exploring the interface of Religion and Social Cohesion

Chapter 6: Church-State Relations in US Prison Religion: An Update with Recommendations

Chapter 8: The influence of religion on Probation: A reflection on the profession

Chapter 9: 'Yes, my Lord': Examining the impact of religion on the legal profession

Chapter 10: What does God require of us: the calling of lawyers in the criminal justice system

PART 3: Appraisal of Contemporary Issues

Chapter 11: Human rights, religion and the criminal justice system: Roadblocks, diversions and repairs

Chapter 12: Religion, Abortion and the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland

Chapter 13: The death penalty, religion and the US CJS

Chapter 14: Islam and Hate Crime: Exploring Issues

Chapter 15: Is far right terrorism another form of religious terrorism?

Chapter 16: Religion and Terrorism: What can we learn from the State policy responses to the Christchurch Mosque Shootings?

Chapter 17: The challenges of witchcraft and sorcery for national and international justice systems

Chapter 18: Understanding Clergy Perpetrated Child Sexual abuse as organised offending: networks v's individuals

Chapter 19: Religion and Restorative Justice: a mutual critical dialogue

Chapter 20: Christianity & Desistance: Exploring ex-prisoner's journeys in new faith
UK Criminal Justice System;Abortion Seekers;Zealand Security Intelligence Service;Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission;UK Supreme Court;Good Life;Responsive Policing;Law Commission;Radical Participation;Restorative Justice;Atonement Theology;Religious Hate Crime;Hate Crime;Police Service;Hate Crimes Offences;Worldview Pluralism;Religious Volunteers;Religious Hate Speech;Christian Lawyers;anti-EU Sentiments;Jacinda Ardern;Pell Grant Eligibility;Promoted Alcohol Abstinence;Extremist Narratives;Contemporary Society