Computational Intelligence in Healthcare

Computational Intelligence in Healthcare

Applications, Challenges, and Management

Ahmed, Shakeel; Altrjman, Chadi; Gupta, Meenu; Kumar, Rakesh

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction to Computational Intelligence in Healthcare: Applications, Challenges, and Management, 2. Role of IoT and Machine Learning for E-Healthcare Management, 3. Telemedical and Remote Healthcare Monitoring Using IoT and Machine Learning, 4. Efficient Ways for Healthcare Data Management Using Data Science and Machine Learning, 5. A Novel Scheme to Manage the E-Healthcare System Using Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things, 6. Automating Remote Point-of-Care ECG Diagnostics via Decentralized Report Routing Algorithm, 7. Evaluation of Deep Image Embedders for Healthcare Informatics Improvement Using Visualized Performance Metrics, 8. A Comparative Analysis for Analysing the Performance of Convolutional Neural Network versus Other Machine Learning Techniques to Assess Cardiovascular Disease, 9. A Study of Machine Learning Initiatives in the Global Healthcare Sector Using Different Case Studies, 10. Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic System Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System, 11. Detection of Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) With AlexNet and ResNet-101, 12. A Case Study-Based Analysis on Remote Medical Monitoring with AWS Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT)
Computational intelligence;Artificial intelligent systems;healthcare system;fuzzy models;artificial neural networks;evolutionary algorithms;probabilistic methods;IoT Device;Ml;Ml Algorithm;UCI Machine Learn Repository;RF;Health Informatics;Dl Algorithm;Support Vector Machine;ECG Data;Personal Health Records;ANFIS;Cloud Computing;ECG Sensor;IoT Server;Unsupervised Ml;DFU;Open Source Computer Vision Library;MDS Plot;Roc Plot;ECG Acquisition;Mis;Minimally Invasive Surgery;CT Scan Image;Autism Spectrum Disorder