Building Happier Kids

Building Happier Kids

Stress-busting Tools for Parents

Bhargava, Hansa

American Academy of Pediatrics






15 a 20 dias


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IntroductionPART ONE: BUILDING A HEALTHY FAMILY FOUNDATIONChapter 1: Build Your Mental Health ToolboxChapter 2: Finding Your Way Back to the Four Fundamentals PART TWO: IDENTIFYING THE ROADBLOCKSChapter 3: Overscheduling: Schools, Schedules, and the Loss of Unscheduled TimeChapter 4: The Rise of Screens and the Battle for Screen-free TimeChapter 5: The Impact of Toxic Stress Chapter 6: Choosing Sleep as a PriorityPART THREE: MANAGING STRESS AND CRISIS SUCCESSFULLYChapter 7: Replenishing the Cup for the Stressed-out, Overwhelmed Parent Chapter 8: Your Child's Mental Health: What to Do During a CrisisChapter 9: Giving Our Children Tools for Success and HappinessChapter 10: Putting It All Together
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child anxiety; video game addiction; child nutrition plan; child sleep; child stress; healthy kids; over scheduled; child sleep plan; anxious kids; toxic stress; stressed-out kids; depressed child; Screentime; healthy children; whole brain child; Screen time