American Furniture 2024

American Furniture 2024

Willoughby, Martha

Chipstone Foundation





Pré-lançamento - envio 15 a 20 dias após a sua edição

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Editorial Statement
Martha H. Willoughby

Not the Cupola House Carver
Luke Beckerdite

Sitting on the Severn: A Group of Mid-Eighteenth Century Chairs from Annapolis
Daniel Kurt Ackermann

William King and a Century of Misattributions
Brock Jobe and Kemble Widmer

Cabinetmaking in Federal Hartford: New Discoveries Regarding the Composition and Products of the Aaron Chapin and Aaron Colton Shops
Kevin G. Ferrigno and Christine Ritok

New Furniture for Emerging Social Refinement: Colonel Thomas Tenant's Finlay Suite Identified
Lance Humphries

A Family Legacy: Classical Furniture by Mark Pitman in the Ropes Mansion, Salem, Massachusetts
Dean Thomas Lahikainen