With Inky Blots and Rotten Parchment

With Inky Blots and Rotten Parchment

An Explanation of the Land Value Tax

Hopton, Ian

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction 1

1. Basic Principles 17

1.1 Community Created Value 17

1.2 Taxation According to Means 19

1.3 A Direct Tax 21

1.4 Simplicity and Clarity 23

2. Economic Evolution 25

3. Application and Advantages 41

3.1 Application of LVT 41

3.2 Advantages of LVT 48

4. History 53

4.1 Early History 53

4.2 20th Century History 56

5. Aspects of LVT 65

5.1 Causes of Land Value 65

5.2 Ownership of Land 73

5.3 Resource Rents 84

6. Land Values 89

6.1 Industrial Land Values 89

6.2 Agricultural Land Values 92

6.3 Unimproved Land Values 102

7. Housing 105

7.1 Winners and Losers 105

7.2 Getting on the Property Ladder 111

7.3 Affordable Housing 117

7.4 Land Banking 124

8. Other Economic Rent-Collection Practices 129

8.1 Rent Collected in Advance 129

8.2 Collection Through Rent Absorption 133

9. Objections and Obstacles 135

9.1 Typical Objections to LVT 135

9.2 Obstacles to Implementing LVT 144

10. Which Taxes? 159

10.1 The Single Tax Issue 159

10.2 Taxes to Eliminate, Modify or Keep 167

11. Welfare 177

12. Summary 187

13. Definitions 191


1. Neoclassical Economics 199

2. Case Study: The New Zealand Experience 203

3. Case Study: The Pittsburgh Experience 215

Notes 227

Acknowledgements 243

Index 245
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Land; Taxation; Economics; Poitics; Justice; Property; Ownership; Rent; Resources; Housing; Poverty; Welfare; Education