William Morris: Selected Writings

William Morris: Selected Writings

Selected Writings

Hanson, Dr Ingrid

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias

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Letter to Cormell Price, 3 April 1855
Letter to Cormell Price, 10 August 1855
From the Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856:
'The Hollow Land'
'The Story of the Unknown Church'
From The Defence of Guenevere, and Other Poems', 1858:
'The Defence of Guenevere'
'Golden Wings'
'The Haystack in the Floods'
'Sir Peter Harpdon's End'
'Concerning Geffray Teste Noire'
'The Eve of Crecy'
'Near Avalon'
'In Prison'
From The Earthly Paradise, 1868-70:
From the 'Prologue'
From 'The Watching of the Falcon'
Letter to Charles Eliot Norton, 19 October 1871
From Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs, Books 1 and 2, 1876
From 'The Lesser Arts', 1877
'The Beauty of Life', 1880
From 'Some Hints on Pattern-Designing', 1881
Letter to Robert Thompson, 24 July 1884
'Useful Work versus Useless Toil', 1884
'How We Live and How We Might Live', 1885
'Unattractive Labour', 4 May 1885
'Attractive Labour', 5 June 1885
From two letters to Georgiana Burne-Jones, 28 April 1885 and 13 May 1885
'The Vulgarization of Oxford': Letter to the Editor of the Daily News, 20 November 1885
'The Day is Coming'
'All for the Cause'
'The March of the Workers'
A Dream of John Ball, 1888
From The House of the Wolfings, 1888
'Mr Shaw Lefevre's Monumental Chapel': Letter to the Editor of the Daily News, 30 January 1889
'Looking Backward', Commonweal, 22 June, 1889
News from Nowhere, 1891
'How I became a Socialist', 1894
'On Epping Forest': Letter to the Editor of the Daily Chronicle, 23 April 1895
From The Sundering Flood, 1896
Note by William Morris on His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press, 1895