Voices in the Legal Archives in the French Colonial World

Voices in the Legal Archives in the French Colonial World

"The King is Listening"

Gerber, Matthew; Christie, Nancy; Gauvreau, Michael

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Part I: Reading Colonial Legal Records Against the Grain 1. Controlling Haitian History: The Legal Archive of Moreau de Saint-Mery 2. Proof of Freedom, Proof of Enslavement: The Limits of Documentation in Colonial Saint-Domingue Part II: Between Metropole and Periphery 3. Silencing Madmen: The Legal Process of Interdiction, Saint-Domingue, Eighteenth Century 4. The Treatment of Domestic Servants in Canada's Justice System Under the French Regime: A Conciliatory Approach? 5. Contesting the Seigneurial Corvee: Two Generations of Peasant Litigation in Eighteenth-Century Angoumois Part III: Chains of Property and Obligation 6. Between Property and Person: The Ambiguous Status of Slaves in Eighteenth-Century Martinique, Guadeloupe and Saint-Domingue 7. Trust, Obligation, and the Racialized Credit Market in Pre-Revolutionary Cap Francais 8. The Inhabitants "Appear Are Not Such Fools as a Menny Thinks": Credit, Debt, and Peasant Litigation in Post-Conquest Quebec Part IV: Circuits of Power and the Testimony of the Marginal 9. The Voice of the Litigant, the Voice of the Spokesman?: The Role of Interpreters in Trials in Canada under the French Regime (17th and 18th Centuries) 10. Voices of Litigating Women in New France During the 17th and 18th Centuries: Elements of Research on the Judicial Culture of the Appellants in the Archives of the Royal Jurisdiction of Montreal (1693-1760) 11. Slaves as Witnesses, Slaves as Evidence: French and British Prosecution of the Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean Part V: Divided Sovereignties, Legal Hybridities 12. When French Islands Became British: Law, Property, and Inheritance in the Ceded Islands 13. Contested Spaces of Law and Economy: Legal Hybridity and the Marital Economy Within Quebec's Merchant Communities
Secretary Of State;French's empire history;Colonial Administration;Haitian's history;Violate;Canada's justice system;Code Noir;French's colonial world;Follow;Legal Archive;Capital Punishment;King George III;Petits Blancs;Confer;Face To Face;Marie Victoire;Sovereign Council;Quebec Act;Moreau De;Superior Council;Compagnie Des Indes;Free Women;Legal Pluralism;Notary Contract;Judicial Archives;Feme Sole Trader;Snuff;Jan De Vries;French Law